Sales Quick Reference Guide

Sales Quick Reference Guide

From the Navigation Panel select Sales.  From the Sales list view you can complete the following common actions:

From the navigation panel, select Sales. Then select 'Orders'. From the list view you need to know how to complete all the basic actions below. You should then learn how to complete all of the advanced processes.

Basic Sale Processes

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Entering and processing a sale order

Creating a new sales order, adding in a customer, adding in the customer's reference, adding in products to the sales order and clicking on button Save and Close (auto warehousing will kick in and produce the shipment for you)


Entering and processing a sale quote

The quote feature of Readysell 8 is started by setting a sale order's transaction code field to 'SALQUO'. When the quote is accepted it will become read only  and retained in case any questions ever come up about any differences between the generated order and the quote.


Cancelling a sale order

Find and select the sales order you no longer require (the customer may have rung up and cancelled their order with you) and click on button Cancel Order

Entering and processing a sale shipment

Manually creating a sales shipment for the purpose of a front end Point Of Sale purchase, add in customer if required, scan in products, click on button Complete (to take the relevant stock off stock on hand and complete the invoice side of it)
*****Creating a picking slip for a sale shipment

Manually creating a picking slip for a sale shipment. Create a new sales order, add in customer, reference and products, click on button Ship, click on button Pick. This will set the status of the sale shipment to in progress and print off a picking slip so you can go and pick and pack the goods, then click on button Complete when you are ready to invoice the sale.

*****Crediting a Sale Invoice from a printed invoice (A4 or Receipt)When a customer walks into your shop with the original receipt/invoice and the goods, scan the receipt/invoice, click on credit, a sale shipment opens with the lines on there as negative quantities, change quantities if required, select reason for credit and click on button Complete.

Entering a sales credit as a shipment

Entering a Sale credit as a shipment. Creating a new sale shipment, adding in the customer (if required), add in products with a negative quantity which will make the values go negative, click on button Complete.
*****Manually Picking/ Packing Sale Shipment. The picking slip prints when auto warehousing creates a sale shipment from an order which sets the status of the sale shipment to in progress. Once you have used that picking slip to go and pick and pack the goods, scan the barcode on the picking slip which will open the sale shipment, make any required changes and then click on button Complete when you are ready to invoice the sale shipment.

Reversing an existing sale shipment

You can only reverse a sale shipment if its status is Posted. Open the Sale Shipments window, search for and select the sale shipment, click on button Reverse (up in the top ribbon). This will reverse the sale shipment and the invoice (if an invoice exists yet) which means the stock will go back to stock on hand and the dollar value for this invoice from the customers open items is reversed and allocated against the original invoice all in one go. You will need to then let the order reship or hit the ship on the sales order to push it through faster.

Manually invoicing one or more finalised sale shipments

Where more than one sale shipments have been created for a sales order and the finalize button is activated or the customer is set to one invoice per order, open the sale shipments module, search for the customer, select all sale shipments to invoice (use Ctrl and click on all sale shipments to be invoice) and click on button Invoice. This opens the Invoice window ready for you to click on button Finalize.


Entering a pre paid order (like a lay by)

Lay-bys in Readysell 8 are processed by making a payment against a sales order. Use the Pay button on the top ribbon to make a payment against the order (which can be the whole amount at once or payments by installments).


Finalising a pre paid order

Select the sales order and click on the Pay button on the top ribbon of the sales order. Process the payment on the sales order. Auto warehousing will kick in and release the sale shipment and print the picking slip and the sale shipment can then be completed.

*****Stock quantity adjustments from within a saleWhilst in a sales order or sale shipment that has a status of Open (cannot be any other status), select which lines of products need stock adjustments done (use the Ctrl button on your keyboard and use the mouse to select the product lines) right click and hover over New, further options open, click on Stock Adjustments. A new stock adjustment window opens which automatically adds in all product lines previously selected, change the quantities if required, select a reason for adjustment and click on button Finalise. (save will not action the stock quantity adjustment, it will only save what you've done so far on it)

Exporting a list of sales back orders

Open up the Sales Back Orders module, make sure your filter at the top shows Outstanding Back Orders. Hold down the Ctrl and A buttons on your keyboard to select all sales back orders in the list, click on button Show In Report, select the type of report you want (by customer or by supplier) and the report previews to screen.


Generating a delivery manifest through scanning invoices

Open up Sales and then Deliveries. Create a New delivery, scan in all the invoices/shipments to be added to the delivery in the order you wish to have them delivered, click on button Save, click on button Tag As Delivered, click on button Show In Report, select Delivery Manifest and click on button Print. Once the delivery has been completed, if there are any that weren't delivered you can delete those off and then Post the Delivery


Batch invoicing customers using a sale invoice run

Invoicing customers who are set to Batch Invoicing (i.e. one invoice per month). They receive delivery dockets throughout the month and then get an invoice at the end of the month for all of those delivery dockets. Open up sales and then Invoice Runs, create a New sale run, Extract Shipments onto the run to be invoiced, click on OK, click on button Generate Invoices to invoice the shipments and then click on Generate Email Batch and then click on Run Batch to email them off to the customers.


Making a Payout

Creating a new pay-out for the purpose of taking money out of your till
Open up sales and then Pay-ins/Pay-outs, click on button New, select the direction of Out and select the tender, select the reason, key in the value, click on button Save, add in a Note if required, click on button Finalise.


Making a Payin

Creating a new pay-in for the purpose of putting money into your till
Open up sales and then Pay-ins/Pay-outs, click on button New, select the direction of In and select the tender, select the reason, key in the value, click on button Save, add in a Note if required, click on button Finalise.

Advanced Sale Processes

Sale Orders

Sale Back Orders

Sale Shipments


Sale Invoices


Less frequently used sale processes

Pre-ordrered Products

Sale Runs

Sale Shipment Runs

Sale Invoice Runs




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