Web Order General Setup

Web Order General Setup

  1. Normal procedure for authentication : User and Role

  2. Refer to this documentation for Readysell API (CreateOrder or CreateOrders) : Readysell API
    * UniqueByOrderNumber : True : If same request received by API and the order number already exist in Readysell, API will reject this request.
    * ReallocateSite : True : Readysell will re-assign this order to new based on calculation of closest distance (Site Lat Long required : Site and complete address of web order), Rules by state specify in System Type (if any), Site enabled to receive web order (Setup in Site) and Stock availability for all order lines.

  3. Payment by Gift Card Redemption:
    * Direct on Web Order
    * Real time deduction using Readysell API and Update existing

  4. Setting for web order is System Type : “WEB”

  5. Product ID “EGC” will trigger auto generate of gift voucher, partial sale shipment (and invoice) and email (setting on Action Rules “eGift Voucher - New”), refer to Readysell eGift Card (eGC)

  6. Auto notification for Web Order received : Action Rules “Web Order - New“

    Related Link :
    1. Special WB KL stores web order setup
    2. Best Practice
    3. Issues

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