Adding consignment information to a shipment

Adding consignment information to a shipment

The Consignment Detail function (accessed from the Sale Shipment screen) lets you enter consignment information for a shipment at any time, even after the shipment is posted. This allows you to post a shipment (and hence ensure that stock is allocated to it) even if consignment information is not known.

  1. In the navigation panel, click on Sales then click on Shipments
  2. Locate the shipment for which you wish to add consignment information 
  3. In the ribbon, click Consignment Detail. The Consignment Detail window displays. 

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  4. Enter information as follows:
    • Carrier is the carrier for this consignment.
    • Delivery Run is the run that this consignment belongs to.
    • Consignment Date is the consignment date.
    • Consignment Items is the number of items in this consignment.
    • Consignment Note allows you to add a note to the consignment.
  5. Make sure Shipment has Customer Name, Complete address on Address Tab
  6. When you have finished, click OK.
  7. Changes can also be made to the Customer order field after the shipment and invoice have been posted.

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