Creating multiple sale orders/quotes using Mass Copy

Creating multiple sale orders/quotes using Mass Copy

  1. From the Navigation panel, double click on Sales then click on Orders.
  2. Search for and select the order/quote you wish to copy. (Or create your own sales order/quote)
  3. Click Mass Copy in the ribbon. The Mass Copy window displays. 

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  4. Enter information as follows:
    • Number of Copies is the number of copies of the order that you wish to make.
    • Supply Type specifies how a stock is to be allocated to an order (see supply types)
    • Order Date is the date for these orders. You can enter a date in the future.
  5. When you have finished, click OK to generate a specified number of copied orders. These sale orders will appear in the list.
  6. Make any further changes as required and then they can be processed like any other sale orders/quotes.


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