


Staff members who need to use Readysell will require to be set-up as a user via the administration function where user's profile, role in the organisation and permissions within the role need to be configured. That is :

  • User has a role, which in turn governs by permission set
  • Each user accesses their account through User Name and Password
  • To complete the user set-up procedure you will need to assign role and grant permission to the user (Roles)
  • Performance reporting on sales persons and technicians requires that a use is setup first and flagged as a sales person or technician by clicking on the sales person or technician checkbox on the users record.

Getting started



Refer to Common Buttons.

Generate Operator CodeThis button automatically generates the Operator Code required for the set-up of staff member whose role involves entering sales through the POS system.
Reset PasswordGenerates a new password for the selected user


User NameThe users username in Readysell - this is used for logging into Readysell when you first open it up. This name comes up on the audit trail.
Full NameThis prints on all the invoices/receipts/quotes etc. This is for the users full name if you want your customer's to know your staff members full name.
NOTE: It is recommended to NOT put the staff members full name in this field. Just put their first name. If you are worried about the staff members name being a common one, then put the staff members initial after the first name. I.e. John S
Email AddressThe users email address - this is used when sending emails to identify who sent the email and shows as the From email address when your customer or supplier looks at their email this staff member sent them.
SiteThe site that is identified for this user
Operator CodeThe users operator code. This is a 3 digit number. You cannot use letters for the operator code. This is used when you create a new sale or payment etc
DepartmentDepartment user is located in (i.e. sales, purchasing etc.)
PhoneThe user's phone number
iCal Feed URL
Is ActiveCheck / uncheck the Is Active flag to make the user's status active/inactive in Readysell. If not flagged, the user will not be able to log into Readysell.
Change Password on First LogonIf this checkbox is checked, the user will be prompted to change their password when they first log in to Readysell

Working Times tab

Use the button New to add these in



DaySelect from drop down box for day of the week


This is the site for the working times
Start TimeUse the drop down to select the date and then change the time to be the starting time
End TimeUse the drop down to select the date and then change the time to be the ending time
DescriptionAdd in a manually keyed description as to what these times are for. I.e. Out on the road

User Skills tab

Use the button New to select these from a drop down list

These are drawn from System Types (Navigation, Administration, Advanced)

References: Add in the Code and Description and Value

There are no presets for these.  You will need to create your own.  Please work with Readysell to do if you wish to use this area.

Sale Person Budgets tab

Use the button New to add these in

The user is the Sales Person for this tab (regardless of whether or not the flag is on for Is Sales Person on tab Settings)

PeriodIn YYYYMM format - select from the drop down the period that the budget is for

Actual Movement

is system generated - you cannot manually key this in
Budget Movementwhat is budgeted for this user as a sales person
Varianceis system generated - you cannot manually key this in

Sale Person Cards tab

Card IDAutomatically fills in from the Card file when the sales person is added to the card and is saved
NameAutomatically fills in from the Card file when the sales person is added to the card and is saved


LocationThe location of user
Default Case TypeDefault Case Type is the case type that will be pre-populated onto any cases (Cases module) created by this user
Startup DashboardWhen the user logs into Readysell, the Navigation panel is on the left hand side and the right hand side will display whatever dashboard you select for this user
Restore Tabs - check box/flagRestore Tabs will ensure that all tabs you had opened when you last used Readysell will automatically show when you re-start Readysell the next time
BCC on Outbound Emails - check box/flagAllows automatic BCC of emails sent from Readysell to be enabled/disabled.
-- refer to Bcc Email for Outbounds checking and testing
Is Web Service - check box/flag - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is web service. Only used by Readysell. Please leave this as it is.
Is Sales Person - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is sales person
Is Driver - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is driver
Is Technician - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is technician
Is Customer - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is customer. Not currently used.
Is Store Person - check box/flagCheck / Uncheck if user is store person. For the wireless warehouse picking and stock put away module.

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