Printing of back orders on invoices


Some invoice layouts print back orders on invoices. If you are using one of the backorder invoice layouts, the way the backorder prints varies depending on the line being partly or fully supplied.


It is important to understanding of how back orders print on invoices:
1. If a line is partially supplied, it is printed as usual on the invoice with a quantity in the "Sup" column and a quantity in the "B/O" column
2. If a line is fully back ordered, it is printed at the bottom of the invoice with no quantity in "Sup" and the full quantity in the "B/O" column

If you have a partly supplied line, which means it would print on invoices where it was partially supplied.

If the line is not supplied at all on a invoice, then it will not show in the invoice lines section. On some invoice layouts it will show at the bottom of the invoice in the back orders. Showing no quantity supplied and the full quantity in the "B/O" column.