Working with Sales Order Filter

Sales Order Filter is a Readysell feature designed to enhance and optimise user's workflow by selecting one from a list of built-in filters.     

  1. From the Navigation panel double click on Sales then click on Orders
  2. Locate the Filter button on the ribbon line

     Show me
  3. Select the required filter from the drop-down list

     Show me
  4. Sales orders list view changes to display only orders that meet the filter criteria


Filter CriteriaPop-up Explanation
Outstanding (Orders and Quotes)Show sale orders and quotes that have not been completed yet.
Outstanding Sale OrdersShow sale orders that have not been completed yet.
Outstanding Sale QuotesShow sale quotes that have not been completed yet.
UnpickedShow sale orders that are yet to be fully picked.
Pending (Orders and Quotes)Show sale orders and quotes that have pending status or are fully paid but not completed.
Outstanding and PendingShow sale orders and quotes that have not been completed yet.
Unshipped Sale OrdersShow sale orders that have not been shipped yet.
Partially Shipped Sale Orders Show sale orders that have shipments for part of the order.
Uninvoiced Sale OrdersShow sale orders that have been shipped/finalised but not yet invoiced.
All (Orders and Quotes)Show all sale orders and quotes.
All Sale OrdersShow all sale orders only.
All Sale QuotesShow all sale quotes only.
Posting or FailedShow all sale orders that still have a status of failed or posting.
  • Outstanding (Orders and Quotes) is the default filter setting when the user first accesses the Sales Orders module.
  • The last filter setting selected will be saved and defaulted when user next accesses the module.
  • Mouse-over the Filter button to view the filter pop-up explanation.