Sale Shipment Picking

Sale Shipment Picking


The mobile app can be used to pick sale shipments without the need for printed picking slips. This is used to process all In progress picking status shipments in Readysell as only these are sync to the mobile app.    

Before you can use sale shipment picking the user within Readysell will need to be flagged as "Is Store Person" can view Customers, Products, Stock Put Away, Sale Shipment Picking, Stocktakes, Stocks Transfer Picking, Settings and About.




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  • Unassigned: This list will have all In progress status shipments in the system.
  • Assigned to me: This list will have all In progress status shipments in the system assigned to you as the picker.

  • Picked: This list will have all picked shipments.
  • Cancel: Takes you out of the filter section.


  • This will sync data from Readysell to the mobile.
Force Full Refresh
  • This will completely refresh all sale shipment on the device, use this if your shipment is not sync to the device.

Picking a sale shipment

  1. From the Main Menu, select Sale Shipment Picking

    • Use the Filter and  Search options to facilitate shipment look-up.

    • If sale shipment picking does not appear on the screen, first check the filter options used then if needed click the Sync button to refresh the screen.

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  2. Click Start Picking button to start shipment picking.

  3. The Sale Shipment Lines will now appear

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    The top half of the screen shows one product that you are currently picking. The bottom half displays the remaining lines of the products on the sale shipment.

  4. manually enter the quantity, click the Man Scan area and key in a value from a pop-up numerical keypad or scan the item with the scanner.

    If the system type MOBILE-APPLICATION>VALIDATE-SHIPMENT-PICKING-LOCATION is set to True the location scanning in Sale Shipment Picking is mandatory. 

    i.e., cannot skip location scanning and system will issue a message 'Location scanning is mandatory' if it is skipped.

  5. The scanned/manually entered line is no longer displayed on the sale shipment, when all the lines are scanned click Yes to end picking.

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  6. Select the required shipment processing option.

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    • Finalise Shipment and Invoice - posts the shipment and creates invoice and may print a invoice if set-up

    • Finalise Shipment Only - posts the shipment only and may print a Delivery Docket if set-up

    • Leave Shipment Open - leaves the shipment open 

      Finalise Shipment and Invoice is available as an option if the customer on shipment is :

      Not freight integration enabled
      Readysell Client > Administration > Advanced > System Types

      Invoice Mode is not Batch Invoicing

      Customer Tender is set

Invoice printing Settings

Below is an overview on the Readysell settings when printing of invoice on the mobile app is required.

  1. From the Main Menu, click About.
  2. Record/note the mob app Device ID.

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  3. Go to Readysell, from Navigation panel click Administartion>Workstations.
  4. Select a Workstation ID that is the Device ID of the mobile app.
    1. Click Report Settings then click Populate From Presets
    2. Form Report should have Tax Invoice/ Adjustment Note and Print Device should selected.

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  5. Click Save.

    • Invoice Mode : Batch invoicing will not have option to Invoice when finalised.
    • If part paid order is shipped and picked using the mobile app. the shipment will not finalise until full payment is made.
    • Readysell Support to check that the Readysell Print Helper task is running to service print requests

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    Delivery Docket printing can be set-up similar to invoice printing.

Card settings for Invoice printing

  • If invoice printing is required the Customer card must have a tender e.g., Settings> Customer Settings>Customer Tender must be set to a value.
  • On the customer card in Settings> Customer Settings>Invoice Method must be set to Print Immediately.

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