Create purchase orders from the sales back order list

  1. In the Navigation panel, go to Sales then Back Orders.
  2. List of Sale Back Orders appear on the left side.

  3. Hold down the CTRL key, select multiple lines/skus from the back order module that you wish to manually create a Purchase Order, then click on the Purchase action button in the Ribbon

  4. The products that were selected will be created in New Purchase Order for each Primary Supplier on each product. Each Purchase Order window for each supplier will open.
  5. Products that are selected that have the same supplier will create 1 purchase order with the multiple product lines. 
  6. Check each Purchase Order as per normal, then either Email the Supplier or EDI the supplier for each Purchase Order that was generated.
  7. Once the Purchase Order has either been Emailed or EDI the status on the Purchase Order will flip from a Status of Open to Inprogress.
  8. The Purchase Order number will be populated onto the Sales Backorder for each Product.
  9.  Click here for further help on Purchase Orders.

    Purchase order for a back order can be display via the Related button