Inventory Quick Reference Guide

Inventory Quick Reference Guide

From the Navigation Panel select Inventory.  Then select Products. From the Product list view you need to know how to complete all the basic actions below. You should then learn how to complete all of the advanced processes.

Basic Inventory Processes

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*****Checking imported product data before training leads to a better training experienceSelect the 'Products' list view from the 'Inventory' option on the navigation panel. Check sell prices, supplier cost prices, product units for a few key products. In particular check product supplier costs for products you buy in one unit such as box and break down to stock in smaller units such as each. Check sell prices for those products as well. Also check product units and quantities.
*****Find a productUse the Text To Search (Search) field at the top right of the window or enter the Product ID or name on the filter row above the products list.

Adjusting incorrect stock levels using a stock quantity adjustment  

Start stock adjustments list view from the inventory navigation panel. Click on new, enter a product to be adjusted and a reason for adjustment, then finalise the stock quantity adjustment
*****Range rationalisation and viewing active or archived products 

Select the All Products view from the filter pull down list above the products list to view All Products.

Select the Active Products view from the filter pull down list above the products list to view only active products.

****Create a new product Click on button New, key in the Product ID, select a new category, key in the name of the product.  Adjust settings on the general, sell prices, sites, suppliers and settings tab.  Click on button Save when finished
****Change a existing product

Search for the product, edit the fields that you require changed.  Click on button Save if you have made any changes.


Using the Price Calculator 

Find the product you are interested in. Then click on the price calculate button on the ribbon above the product.

Price Calculator can also be accessed from the Tools menu.


Adding notes to products and optionally setting them to display on sales 

Find the product to which a note is to be added. Click on the Notes button on the ribbon above the product. Enter your note text, set display on sale if required then click save.

Correctly setup product categories and get the most from sales reporting and the general ledger 

From Administration on the Navigation Panel, Click on Product Categories. Check the available categories and the general ledger account overrides on the category branches. Check you non-stock categories are broken up sufficiently to cover your service and other work.

Advanced inventory processes


Product Labels

Stock Location Transfer

Stock Quantity Adjustments


Rarely used inventory processes


Min/Max Update Runs

Price Book Runs

Price Change Run

Serial Numbers

Stock Replenishment Runs


Stock Transfers In

Stock Transfers Out

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