Readysell Lite Stocktake using Stock Quantity Adjustments

Readysell Lite Stocktake using Stock Quantity Adjustments

If possible set up a laptop with a bar code scanner that can be moved around your business and used to enter the stocktake

  • Otherwise, consider having one person scan and count with a second person at the computer to enter the quantity when it is called out by the counter.

  • Make sure you enter your count directly into stock quantity adjustments. Do not use any form of printed count sheet etc. As manual counts are very error-prone.


Do an initial count of a few products in one fixture:

  • Click new to make a new stock quantity adjustment

  • Scan in each product as you count it

  • Enter the quantity counted into the new quantity column

  • When you have finished counting one fixture, say 2 meters wide. Then highlight all the lines, click on the action button ‘Defatult Reason’ in the top ribbon and select short sent.

  • Then finalise the stock adjustment

  • Make sure that nobody picks/sells stock from the fixture you are counting until you finalise each count

  • Note you need to have a way of tracking which fixtures have been counted. One way is to stick something, like a red dot sticker or similar on each location after it is counted.

Do a small stocktake using stock adjustments for one fixture in your business. Then review the results. Repeat this a few times until you are confident about the procedure.


Full stocktake using stock adjustments.

Once you have confidence after completing the test run above. Complete your full stocktake. By repeating the process above for fixtures between one and three meters wide. Don't try to count too many (more than say 50-100) products into each stock quantity adjustment.


After stocktake:

Run the stock on hand report []. check the report to see if you can spot any products with unexpected stock on hand. For example, if you put the quantity in incorrectly the product may have a very big value on hand. Correct any of those errors before you run the report again as your final stock on hand report following the stocktake.

Growing your business and Readysell Pro

As your stock on hand increases over time. You may wish to implement advanced warehousing and stocktaking using Readysell Pro. Should you elect to upgrade to a Readysell Pro license at any point in the future. Readysell pro includes additional stocktake options.

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