Changing product codes

Changing product codes

You can change product codes simply by typing the new code into the product code field. Then click on the save button. If the product code you have selected already exists you will get an error message.

Try to avoid changing product codes of products that are linked to an external program such as the WebX web site. There are automatic triggers that are required to delete products of WebX if you delete them from Readysell. If you change the product code, you will trigger the WebX product delete. This will work ok in most cases, deleting the old product on WebX and adding the new one back. But it can't work in every situation. For example where you change the product id to one value then change it back. Web sites and Readysell are very closely linked, but they are different programs. Give that the productid is used to link the programs, try to avoid changing the product id if you can.