WooCommerce Integration

WooCommerce Integration

Readysell integrated with WooCommerce web platform for upload Products (include stock quantity, sell price and web category).


Product Integrations

Product model :
1. Normal product :
In website, this product would be shown as Product with $xxx from Default Price List

  • WooCommerce Product ID would be stored in Custom Field 1 value (leave this blank for new product created)

2. Product using Custom Fields for Grouping sizes :
Best way to use this model is when 2 Products as different sizes (i.e. Product A is detergent 5L bottle and Product B is Product A in 25L bottle).

In website, this product would be shown as Product A with size 5L $xxx and size 25L $yyy (all sell prices from Default Price List)

  • WooCommerce Product ID would be stored in Custom Field 1 value for parent product (leave this blank for new prduct created)

  • WooCommerce Product Variant ID would be stored in Custom Field 1 (leave this blank for new product created)
    *for parent Product, this value would be stored in table Data Mapping

  • Custom Field 2 value is Product ID parent as group (this value would be replaced with WooCommerce parent Product ID) i.e. put Product A Product ID in both Product A and B Custom Field 2

  • Custom Field 3 value is text that would be shown in website for size, i.e. 5L in Product A and 25L in product B Custom Field 3

  • Examples :
    Parent Product :