Moving stock within the warehouse using Stock Location Transfer

Moving stock within the warehouse using Stock Location Transfer


Stock Location Transfers use the FIFO cost from the "source" location as the cost for the "destination" location.
This means that the overall value of the transfer should be zero


  1. From the Navigation panel click Inventory> Stock Location Transfer 

  2. Select New from the top panel
  3. Select Site
  4. Enter a Description   
  5. Enter a Default To Location

    The system will populate the To Location with the Default To Location on everyline if you insert a default to location

  6. From the Lines tab enter/ search Product
  7. Select the From Location 
  8. Enter the Quantity to transfer

  9. Select the To Location  

    Check the Transfer All box to transfer all stock on hand of this type to the To Location

  10. Click Finalise from the top panel
  11. The status now shows as Posted

    The system will create one stock quantity adjustment to show where the stock is moved out of a location

    It will also create a stock quantity adjustment where the stock is moved into a location, once the stock location transfer is Finalized

  12. To view the stock location transfer

    1. Select the Product line
    2. Click on Product Details

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    3. Select Locations tab

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