Creating a new Kit/Bundle

Creating a new Kit/Bundle

Kit Products are products that are non-stock controlled products. The kit products that stand for an assembly of other products that make up the kit are known as Components.

When a Kit Product is sold, the stock on hand for all the components that make up the Kit is reduced and when you receive a kit product the stock for the components that make up the kit product is increased.

The stock on hand for the Kit Product itself never increases or decreases as it is a Non-Stock Product and must be set up within a Non-Stock Product Category.
The Products (components) that make up the Kit, should already be set up with the right costing, pricing, units etc.

Readysell 8 provides a Kit Item feature where a kit product can be created from existing products.

The Cost of the Kit Product is worked out using FIFO costing from the sum of each of the product components that make up the Kit product and aggregated.

The shipment line cost is equal to the sum of all the product movements for that kit product.

  • Kits Master product must be set up as a Non-Stock Product
  • The field of 'taxcodebuy' and 'taxcodesell' on both the Master Kit and the components must be the same tax code. That is if the TaxCodeSell on the Kit = GST then all the components that make up the Kit must have the same TaxCodeSell as GST and so on.
  • The check box 'Allow Purchase from Sale' must be turned OFF for the Master Kit product and turned ON for all the products that are the components.
  • You should never add a Kit Item product to any of the component products, you should only add the Kit Item components to the Master Kit Product.
  • The check box 'Show on sales report' for the Master kit product should be off and turned ON for all other products.
  • With respect to the Service module, do not make a Machine Master Product be a Kit Product.
  • The Kit Product can be sold but not purchased.
  • The Components can also be sold separately and the components can be purchased.
  • The Kit product does not go to back order or have any product movements .
  • The kit components can be back orders and have product movements.

Setting up the Master Kit Product with its components.

  • Firstly ensure that you have a non-stock product category already set up.
  • Ensure that all the products that make up the kit you are about to create already exist in the system.
  • Ensure that the products and the Kit itself have the same tax codes on both.
  • The component must have a Primary Supplier, Cost Price, Sell Price and all the Product Units.
  • The Kit itself, must have the Non-stock product category, Sell price for the entire kit, Kit Items that make it up 
  • See the Note tab above as well.

  1. Log onto Readysell>Inventory>Products
  2. Click on the action button New to create the product that stands for the Kit itself (Master Kit).
  3. Key in the following fields as you do when creating a new product
    1. Product ID - to stand for the Kit itself
    2. Name - best describes the kit 
    3. Category : must be set to one of the Non-Stock Products categories or just the header non-stock product category.

       Select non stock product category for the Kit


  4. Click on tab General> Kit Items to add all the products that make up the Kit.
  5. Click on the New action button to add each of the Kit Component (products that make up this kit) from the existing product list

  6. Add the Quantity of each of the products that make up the kit

     Adding Components

    If the Product Unit for the Kit and the components are the same, the Product Unit field can be left blank. It will use the default sell unit on each of the components.
    If the Product unit for the Components varies to the Kit you must select one of the product units when adding the components to the Kit itself. That is, if you sell a box of Pens (12) and also break it up into eaches, you must select only one Product unit for that component on the Kit.

    Repeat the steps and insert all the products that make up the Kit.

  7. The selling price is on the Kit itself and when you sell the Kit, the selling price is drawn from the kit not the components,
    However, the costing is aggregated from the product components that make up the kit.
    Click on Sell Prices tab on the Kit product and insert the Sell price for the entire kit.

    1. observe that the kit Each Cost is automatically aggregated and set to the total of the kit components' Each Cost to assist with the pricing

       Set up Sell Price on the Kit


  8. Check that the fields of TaxCodeBuy and TaxCodeSell for both the Kit and components are the same. 

  9. The newly created Kit product is now available for selling.
    You do not purchase the kit, you purchase the compoen
  10. If blank it will use the kit component default Sell Unit.

Location is not used on non-stock products including kits. However, the components within the kit do need a location as they can be sold stand-alone.

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