Initial review of products


When products are first loaded into your system we set the status depending on the product being automatically reordered or not in your old system:

  • Your old system, such as say Readysell 7 may have a reorder flag, this is turned off for some products
  • Readysell 8 does not have a reorder flag. So we have to transform the reorder flag when importing data into Readysell 8
  • Readysell 8 automatic purchasing does not reorder products with a product status of discontinued
  • As a result of the above, when I import products from your old system to Readysell 8, I set:
    • Readysell8.product.status = discontinued where oldsystem.product.prodsite.reorderfl = false
  • Discontinued does not mean the supplier has discontinued the product, it means your business has discontinued the product. See user guide