Office Choice Integration
Office Choice Integration
Before you can use these features, your Web integration must be configured. Please see Setting up Office Choice integration for details.
- Sales orders automatically imported into Readysell
- Catalogues and flyers are automatically downloaded into Readysell
- Full data portal product list flows to your price book and can be used to review or update your product prices, costs, barcodes and other fields
- Store products flow automatically up to Website
- Contracts flow automatically up to Website
- Sales invoices upload to Website, allowing customers to do reprints of their own invoices from the web
- BI data is uploaded to Office Choice, giving you access to insights from Office Choice Business Intelligence
Getting your data ready to flow to the Office Choice website
- You will need to go through your contacts and flag the contact that is the primary contact where the email address matches to the log on details on the web.
- On the customer settings tab of cards "Price Level" determines if a customer is a cash customer or card.
- The web site can put a flag on a card to say view contract price only. To create a category called i.e schools and then place products in there. Once you have done this then create a contract for this category and Brenton (from office choice) can then flag the customer to see the products only on this contract.
Please Note:
Office Choice and Readysell will always select the best off pricing.
- Web categories and normal categories. Category on products determines the normal website. In addition to that, it creates a separate list of web categories and if the product is in 2 categories who ever isn’t a member will see the normal categories. When a user logs in to their site it will direct to the web categories
See also