Limiting discounts on products

Limiting discounts on products


There is more than one way to prevent products from discounting. You need to understand the methods available both to prevent discounts on some products and to understand what is happening when a product will not discount.

Disabling discount on a product

To turn of discount for a single product make sure the "Allow Sell Discounts" checkbox is not ticked on the settings tab of the product. It will normally be ticked to start with. Turn the tick off to stop discounts for this product.

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Disabling discount on a whole category

To find product categories enter "product category" in the navigation panel search window. You need to have sufficient security to access the administration navigation menu option. Then find the category you want. See Product Categories.

To turn of discount for a whole category. Including lower level "child" categories under the category you select. To do this make sure the "Allow Sell Discounts" checkbox is not ticked on the settings tab of the category. It will normally be ticked to start with. Turn the tick off to stop discounts for this category and any categories under the selected category.

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Disabling discount on whole Location

To find product Locations, enter Locations in the navigation panel search window.  You need to have sufficient security access to access the administration navigation menu option.  Then find the Location you want and select it

On the right hand side, click on tab General

Look at the tick box for Allow Sell Price Discounts

If it is ticked, then the location for those products in that location will allow a discount on them

If it is not ticked, then the location for those products in that location will NOT allow a discount on them 

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