Entering stocktake transactions on a laptop or Readysell 8 screen

  1. From the navigation panel, select inventory, then stocktakes before you enter the first stocktake
  2. Click on New to create a stocktake transaction
  3. Select a Site from the drop-down list, it should default to your logged in site, make sure you know you are entering stocktakes for the correct site!

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  4. Select a Clear Stock Mode from the drop-down list

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    Refer to Stocktake Mode and Clear Stock Mode for more details on various combinations and suitability for the purpose.

  5. Leave the Description for the stocktake blank unless you want to note something special about this particular stocktake
  6. Scan in product and key in Unit Quantity Counted, repeat this step as many times as required

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  7. If the bar code does not scan, the barcode will display on the product name column of the stocktake line. If so try the following:
    1. type in the suppliers code for the product
    2. or type in the products name and search for the product
    3. if you find the product, click down and up arrow to enable the related button above the lines, then click on the related button, select product, then scan the bar code, select add barcode when asked if you want to add the barcode to the product
    4. if you can't find the product at all remove the product from the fixture and put it in a box or basket below the location. Do the product maintenance for this product later or have a seperate follow up team chase up the issue
  8. If you fill up a page of lines on the stocktake, click on Save. The lines you time in are only saved when you click save, don't create a huge stocktake without saving, as you may loose all your work if the computer looses connection to the server or if you accidentally close the screen
  9. Once all the products for the location/s being counted have been entered. Click on Save
  10. Click on Finalise to post the transaction
  11. Repeat the above steps (6-12) until you have counted all the products for the business or all the products assigned to your team