Direct Debit with Ezidebit integration

Direct Debit with Ezidebit integration

Ezidebit is mainly around you getting money off the customer once the customer gives access.

Ezidebit is used for debiting a customer's account for whatever is owed to you.

Stage 1: You will need to manually insert the ezidebit value into the customer's portal then once presented on the bank statement then you would insert a customer payment.


Setup :

  1. System Type : PAYMENT

    (contact Ezidebit or refer to email after joined with Ezidebit)

  3. Provided by email from ezidebit. Any bank account that has a bsb and account number.


Pre-acquisition :

  1. Account with Ezidebit

  2. The card should have Account Payable contact OR Primary Contact OR First contact,
    with email address

Register Bank Account :

  1. Register Card New Bank Account
    a. Send eDDR (electronic Direct Debit Request) to contact (refer to pre-acquisition point 2)


    Note : Email sending in Message Logs, you can also re-send it

    b. Readysell will create a temporary bank account details

    Click on the link on the email which will open the ezidebit



    Note : If redo step point a, Readysell will not create a new temporary bank account but use this existing temporary Bank Account instead.

    c. Customer contact will receive email with link to fill approval form

    Note : Email template in Email Default : Bank Account

    d. Customer contract fill the request with Bank Account Details by visit the link

    e. Continue to submit, Customer will redirect to Readysell webpage and in the background this webpage will call Readysell API to update the data.

    Readysell temporary Bank Account now updated

    Note : only Bank Account with Customer Primary checked will get BPAY Customer Reference Number.
    (Contact Readysell support to customise form report with BPAY details)

    Message Log :

    Ezidebit dashboard:


  4. Register Card Existing Bank Account
    f. Highlight Existing Bank Account that need to integrate with Ezidebit

    g. [point a] Send eDDR (electronic Direct Debit Request) to contact (refer to pre-acquisition point 2)
    h. [point c] Customer contact will receive email with link to fill approval form
    i. [point d] Customer contract fill the request with Bank Account Details by visit the link

    Note: Make sure the Customer fills in the same Bank Account Details, or any Bank Details will override into the Readysell Bank Account but you cannot see that new bank account details, instead it is represented by the new Ezidebit Token which is referenced instead of the bank details.

    j. [point e] Continue to submit, Customer will redirect to Readysell webpage and in the background this webpage will call Readysell API to update the data.


at this stage, Readysell only use Bank Account that flagged as Customer/Supplier Primary ( if multiple bank account exists for EziDebit)

at this stage, Readysell strongly advise : DO NOT ship or invoice until this direct debit successfully debited.

Do not delete Bank Account if not active anymore, but instead set the Status to OnHold

Direct Debit :

  1. Example by using Payment Tender :

    Ezidebit Dashboard :

    After sometimes (at SandBox test mode is midnight process cut-off, contact Ezidebit for more info), Ezidebit will process all schedules debit.


  2. Example by using Complete Tender :

    Sale Invoice :

    Ezidebit Dashboard :


Refund Direct Debit
(Note : Ezidebit accepts refund payment that made with Ezidebit only)

  1. Processed Debit Payment :
    Debit Payment should have status S (Success). If Status still P (Pending), Ezidebit will return message

    -Payment made in Readysell and latest Status of Direct Debit (Green colour - initial status is red colour)

    -Payment processed in Ezidebit dashboard :

    -Refund in Readysell :

    - Result in Readysell :

    - Result in Ezidebit dashboard (refunded) :

  2. Scheduled Debit Payment :
    Debit Payment should have status W (Waiting).
    (Note : Debit Payment will only deleted from Ezidebit)

    - Payment made in Readysell :


    - Payment scheduled in Ezidebit dashboard :

    - Refund in Readysell :


    - Result in Readysell :


    - Result in Ezidebit dashboard (deleted) :




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