XchangeIT integration

XchangeIT integration

Setup :

Store : please contact Xchange

Token Url (default) : https://tc.xchangeit.com.au:8787/api/security/gettoken

XchangeIT Url (default) : https://csapi1.xchangeit.com.au:8000/

Username : it@readysell.com.au

Password : 23b1fF0a

Authorisation (default) - no quotes : “MG9hYm1sbXJzc0VDZHpSMGMzNTY6cFFkZ2lPVjk4VUMxR2NBMUxES1FLaWVYTXpSTUZ6V25kOHJoUnlhUw==”

Schedule : only update for Start - End time of task running (task will run 1x at start for Morning Process and 1x at the end for End of Day Process)


Morning Process

Task will connect to XchangeIT server to get :

  1. DD3 file (Invoice) from XchangeIT and convert DD3 into Purchase Receipt
    *Task will auto create if product is not found from Readysell database.
    *Task will auto create supplier if not found from Readysell database.
    *Specify default Product Unit on System : Product : Generated-Product-Unit-Code, otherwise Task will use “EACH” product unit.
    *Specify default Product Category on System : Product : Generated-Product-Category, otherwise Task will use category “Store Products”.
    *Product found or created will set as Type Newsagency
    *Product barcode will be created if blank and Barcode data will contain data with format : [Issue Code]-[Reference Number]-[Supplier Code]
    *Purchase Receipt will have flag : XchangeIT integration checked
    *Purchase Receipt Type cannot be changed
    *Purchase Receipt will have Reference Number and non-editable

*User should continue with Default Total as confirmation and Complete this Purchase Receipt


2. RTF3 file (Return Items) from XchangeIT and convert RTF3 file into Purchase Credit

*Task will NOT auto create Purchase Credit line if product is not found from Readysell database, simply ignore and skip that product.

*Task will auto create supplier if not found from Readysell database

*Purchase Credit will have flag : XchangeIT integration checked

*Purchase Credit will have flag : XchangeIT RTF3 Credit checked as source of data


3. RCF3 file (Confirm Return Items) from XchangeIT

*Task will find Purchase Credit with flag XchangeIT integration checked and matching Reference Number

*Update the Quantity Credit with Quantity Approved from RCF3 file


Store sell Product Type Newsagency with Barcode

  1. Store should generate a label with barcode for the products

  2. Store sell product with barcode and Readysell will capture the Barcode data that contains [Issue Code]-[Reference Number]-[Supplier Code] put into Internal Notes Line and disabled from user to modify


End of Day Process
Task will connect to XchangeIT server to send :

  1. Sales Invoice with all sold product type Newsagency

  2. Read the Barcode data stored in Internal Notes Line and group by Supplier Code

  3. Send the sales data to Supplier in XChangeIT for supplier to calculate the credit availability