Products that sell by the box or by each where WebX is setup to sell the product by the Box


There is a standard procedure for for handling products where you stock the product by the each, sell it by the each or by the box and where WebX assumes you sell the product only by the box:

  • Run a report to determine which products have a problem
  • Then for each product with a potential issue. Either:
    • Use the OB unit if possible and keep using cost and sell changes from Office Brands
    • Ignore cost and sell changes for the product and maintain the cost and sell price for the product manually yourself in future
    • Note: A few sites do not sell at Office Brands sell prices for any products. Those sites can still take the sell price feed from Office Brands as display only

Using the 

See also

Making use of Office Brands Support For Changing Stock Unit

How Office Brands catalogue loads and price book runs determine product units

Getting started with automatic product price updates