Printing and saving final reports
Printing and saving final reports
- In the navigation panel, go to Reports then Form Reports.
- Type Stocktake in the search bar. A list of stocktake reports will appear.
- Select the report you wish to run. Normally you run a stocktake variance report (Summary) then check that the total variance looks reasonable. If not investigate the causes of the larger variances
- In the Parameters tab, click Show Report Using Parameters. The Parameters window will display. The parameters you need to enter depend on the report you have chosen.
- Enter the desired parameters, then click OK. The selected report displays in the Preview window.
- Also run a stock on hand report to show your final stock on hand position
- In the navigation panel, go to Reports then ListReports.
Select report "L-018" Stock Report
Click on "Show Report Using Parameters", then click on the "OK" button
- Check that the value on hand is reasonable
Export a copy of the stock on hand report as excel, you can run the report again, but you will probably need to refer to this valuation again. So it is nice to have a copy saved