Service Training Guide

Service Training Guide

Assumed Knowledge

Before you attempt the Service training guide, you must complete:

The skills covered by the training guide segments listed above are taken as assumed knowledge.  Do not proceed with this segment of the training guide until you have reviewed the training guide segments listed above and successfully completed the skills test at the end of those earlier training guide segments.  You can't successfully complete this segment of the training guide without the skills covered in those earlier segments.  There are no effective shortcuts! Don't sell yourself short by skipping those essential skills.

Setup for Service Training

Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Readysell Demo program onto your system so that you can access this demo system.
Link the demo : https://readysell.com.au/try/

Contact the Readysell support team by creating a ticket and ask them to clear the existing service training transactions on the readysell demo system.

Service Training Outline

The training course is structured based on our service outline. Please refer to Service Training Outline:

Service Video Training

Watch those training videos on the service module:

(Before using any videos, don't get stuck with viewing a tiny image, see How To Play Videos )

Initial Setup

Key Service Skills 

From the Navigation panel select 'Service'. Then using the options under service, complete the following common actions:

From the navigation menu select 'Service'. Then select 'Service Orders' and 'Machines'.  From the list view you need to know how to complete all the basic actions below. You should then learn how to complete all of the advanced processes.

Basic Service Processes

Star Rating

How To


*****Study the service overview diagramUnderstand the overall flow of work through the service system
*****Create a machine

Click the New button, enter details for the machine (name, start and end date, customer, enter address, contact person, territory, market segment). Enter meters for the machine. A single machine can have a number of meters.

*****Why use automatic service orders to promote preventative maintenanceUnderstand the overall flow of work through the service system
*****Enter and process a Service OrderClick on the new button, enter details for the service order (customer, machine, product, assigned to).Add fault description and save
*****Create activities

From the service order, click on the Calls tab then new to create a new activity. Enter details (date, start time and end time of the activity, select the type of activity (e.g: Labour or Travel), select the user that will be assigned to this activity, enter the km of travel or the time taken to perform call and enter/search activity Parts if they are needed. Once repair is complete, enter repaired description and save.

*****Enter a new service quotation

Click Create, then click New. The Type needs to be changed to SRVQUO (Service Order Quote). Enter details for the service order (customer, machine, product, assigned to).

*****Generating a service order from a machine

Search for a machine that you want a service order created for, click on the Generate Service Order button from the top panel. Service Order Template box appears, select a template. Select a service order template and press ok. A new service order will be created with the machine field, product and Charge To pre populated.

*****Entering a meter count run

Click the New button, enter details for the machine (name, start and end date, customer, enter address, contact person, territory, market segment). Enter meters for the machine. A single machine can have a number of meters.

*****Using meter charge run to create meter charge invoices

Click the New button, enter details for the machine (name, start and end date, customer, enter address, contact person, territory, market segment). Enter meters for the machine. A single machine can have a number of meters.

**Generate a purchase order from a service order

From the service order, click on Purchase from the top panel. Review and update the Purchase Order as needed e.g. increase QTY to be purchased. Click on Complete to process the purchase order . Fill in the Repaired Description. Click on Complete to invoice the customer and complete the Service Order

*Create a new customer from a service order

From the new service order window, on the top panel, click Create Customer. Enter the customer details (name, card type, payment term and an invoice delivery method). In the Person section, enter a contact name and a telephone number. Enter an email address and customer's address. Click OK to save the change The new customer will be created, and their details will be populated automatically into the service order you are creating.

*Generating a sale order from a machine

Search for a machine that you want a service order created for, select on the machine. Click on the Create Sales Order button from the top panel. Sale Order box appears, select a sales order.

Advanced service processes

Service Orders


Meter Count Runs

Meter Charge runs

Less frequently used service processes

Service Order Templates

Learn more

Refer to the "Getting started with service orders" section of the Readysell User's Guide to learn more.

Refer to the "Getting started with machines" section of the Readysell User's Guide to learn more.

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