How To Run Your Readysell Training Program

How To Run Your Readysell Training Program

How to prepare before making your training plan

At the beginning of the project,. before you can start working with Readysell on a training plan, we needs to agree on:

Please ensure you have viewed the Readysell Training Engagement Meeting Video below before preparing your training program:

Preparing a training budget for your project

To avoid surprises you need to budget Readysell training and go live hours using the table below.  Then look up our standard fees and charges to work out the budgeted costs. Readysell's day rate is contained in the "Readysell Service Fee Policy - Office Brands" that you would have been sent as part of our "Welcome Pack" email. The final charges will not be exactly the same as the budget. But the budget gives you a working estimate. Don't forget that:

  • All prices are quoted ex gst
  • Flights, accommodation and meals are also charged for time on site
  • It is your responsibility to stick to the training budget. If  you ask Readysell for more days of on site or remote training may incur additional charges, Readysell will not check the budget. We will do our best to provide the training you request
  • Readysell's day rate is contained in the "Readysell Service Fee Policy - Office Brands" that you would have been sent as part of our "Welcome Pack" email. Make sure you read this document and know the ex GST Readysell day rate for staff visiting your site.

Before you start planning your training budget, read about Planning your mix of free and chargeable training.

The next step in your training program should be to work through the draft training budget below and adjust it to suit your site.

Draft Training Budget: OnSite Charges Budget



Mid-Training Stage

Last week before implementation

Conversion weekend

Week after conversion


2 day

1 day Friday

1 day

1 day Monday

Trainer One

Trainer Two

2.5 day

Draft Training Budget: Remote Charges Budget


.5 day

2 day
Remote Training

Total Budgeted Days2 day3 days1 day1 day3 day
Total Budgeted Flights/Expenses/Accommodation2 flights/hotels2 flights/hotels

Recording the training program in the shared spreadsheet

Now we have to record your training plan in the shared spreadsheet. To do this we need to:

  • Open the shared priorities excel document and go to the "Business As Usual Checklist" tab
  • Enter the name of each of your team members on the left hand side of the training audit spreadsheet, putting each name in the appropriate section
  • The spreadsheet lists the skills required for each user. Blank out any skills that you don't think are required for any particular user or add a grey tick if the user needs to learn about one of the skills that are not listed
  • As each user completes their on site, remote or self training and reports they understand a feature. Enter the date in the square like "04/16". 
  • Readysell will conduct a training audit with the user to check they understand the feature

See worked example on Documenting your training program

Getting started with the training

Now that you have a training plan and a training budget, you need to get the training. Make sure you read about Understanding the training responsibilities of Readysell and of your team.

Before you start training, make sure you have read about Checking that you are ready to start training

If you plan and budget are ok and your setup is complete. Start training!

The training should flow as follows:

  • Each week you should look at the training program and consider the material to be covered that week
  • Readysell is to show you how to access the material and discuss any questions BEFORE you start on each weeks training material
  • During the week, note down any low priority questions in the "Queries-Issues" tab on the shared priorities document 
  • Contact Readysell right away by phone if you can't proceed due to a critical question, feel the project is dropping behind or now working for any other reason
  • At some point end of each week there needs to be a training audit by Readysell so we can evaluate your progress
  • At a fixed day and time each week there must be a meeting between yourself and Readysell to review progress and plan the next week

If you feel the project plan is not flowing as outlined above, contact Readysell right away so we can help you get back on track.

Make sure you read about, Avoiding common training and project control issues.          

Contact Readysell at least once a week to review training progress and as queries arise

 Once training starts you have to keep track of progress, discuss progress with Readysell and let us know if your training is going off the rails:

There must be at least one weekly training progress review meeting, scheduled for the same date and time each week. Agree this scheduled meeting:

  • Readysell is willing and able to help you if you have any questions or hit any road blocks
  • Your first action should be to give us a call if you are not sure about any aspect of the project
  • Make sure you allocate time for a weekly meeting every week between the project start date and the go live conversion date to discuss progress with Readysell
  • The progress success depends on you regularly contacting Readysell and letting us know how you are going

Issues that are not urgent should be noted down in the queries-issues section of the shared spreadsheet and discussed at the weekly progress review meeting

Use the training materials

The key points are:

  • Actually use the training material!
  • Decide which training materials you will use before you start training!
  • Don't be put off by the fact that there is a lot of training material
  • The training guild includes text and videos. As you work through the videos and test of the training guide, make sure you also open Readysell end enter examples of each procedure at the same time as reviewing the training material. If you and your team decide on a plan that includes self training. Don't try to figure things out from scratch for yourselves. Only by using the training videos, training text and entry of real transactions into Readysell can you succeed in gaining a solid understanding of the system. Some users have tried just playing around with the program or watching the training videos without entering example transactions, this does not work. Make use of all the training materials and enter example transactions.

Use the shared priorities document

You will be sent a link to a shared project priorities excel spreadsheet at the start of the project:

  • Actually use the project priorities document!
  • On the first tab, the Queries and issues list, record any outstanding queries
  • Your business requirements and training plan are recorded in the shared document
  • The rest of the document records may other aspects of the project
  • Make sure you understand how to use the shared document
  • Review the shared document with Readysell at your weekly review meeting

Have the Readysell training team to audit your training efforts

The Readysell training team is with you every step of the way. It is important that you have our training team help audit and review your training efforts each week. Don't plan your training then get us to review progress at the end. We need to keep the feedback in place every week. We can help you with:

  • Your initial training, by explaining the training materials and helping you with any questions. 
  • On site training, where Readysell sends a trainer to your business or your project leader goes to Readysell:
    • If you have less than five staff this is probably not necessary
    • If you have 5-10 staff then one to two days of on site training at the start of the project is helpful
    • If you have 10-20 staff you need two days on site training to start your project. 
    • If you have more than 20 staff.you need two days on site training to start your project. An extra on site training day during the project may also be useful
  • Aiding you with designing your internal training program
  • Auditing your staff training. This is one of the ways in which we can be of most help to you. We can contact each of your staff members after you have completed their training.Then provide you with a report on how they are going and highlight any areas where additional training is required
  • Backup training, should you run into difficulties training any of your team members

Readysell's training team are here to help you every step of the way. Make sure you take the opportunity to get assistance when it is needed. We are always glad to help.

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