Readysell Pro Best Practice Training Guide

Readysell Pro Best Practice Training Guide

Assumed Knowledge

You need to have a good general understanding of Readysell.  Some business planning experience would be helpful.


Every item in the Readysell Pro Best Practice Training Guide below is aimed at:

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Readysell Pro planning best practice

Make or update a business plan every quarter and include Readysell improvements in your plan

If you do not have a business plan make one for each financial year and review it each quarter

Each quarter plan to implement or improve at least one aspect of how Readysell works in your business

When preparing you plan, look back through the rolling newsletter that displays on your dashboard when you log onto Readysell.  Click on the "Click here for more Readysell updates" hyperlink at the bottom of the document and make sure you have looked through our documentation about the last few months of updates

If you have trouble putting together a business plan ask for help from Readysell or from you business advisers

Readysell Pro financials best practice

Some ways to streamline your financials include:

Use Readysell cash book to balance your cash at bank figures

Use Readysell general ledger for your financial reporting

If you are using cash basis GST reporting consider moving to accrued basis GST reporting. 

Cloud Payroll with KeyPay allows your employees to print their own reports and group certificates

Batch email sale invoices to customers at the end of each day

Batch email statements at end of month

Your customers know how to reprint their own invoices and statements from a website

Bank reconciliation automatically matched against the bank

Supplier payments automatically generated and transmitted to the bank Via ABA file

Weekly automatic email to customers with overdue accounts

Financials can inform you about current business issues

Aged debtors position once a week

Aged supplier balances. Compare your supplier to debtor balances to see if money coming in from customers will be sufficient go cover payments to suppliers

Profit and loss report. In particular look at trends in revenue and expenses. 

Cash at bank

Save time with financials formatting

Some accountants like to see brackets around exceptions. For example if your car loan is normally a credit, showing you owe money on your loan. Show loan's value in a bracket if the net value of the loan becomes a debit. This would mean the bank would owe you money in respect to the car loan. This is an exception so it would be shown in brackets

Some accountants just like to see all credits in brackets. 

See: http://www.accountingcoach.com/blog/use-of-parentheses

Financials can only work for you if your bookkeeper has the necessary skill and training

Well trained in Readysell financials. Unless they are properly trained bookkeepers tend to develop bad habits and may not use the system as well as possible

If possible trained in bookkeeping. 

A detail person who completes all tasks in a timely and organised manner. Financial errors or delays cost you money, perhaps a lot of money

Using profit and loss reports to track revenue and expenses. Don't wait to end of year, by then any damage is already done. Ensure your book keeper informs you about any important trends

Aware of your business information requirements. At least once a month they should report to you on accounts that are overdue, debtors vs. supplier balances, your cash position

Reporting to you when they notice exceptions that you should be considering

Make some effort to keep you with changes in tax and financial reporting requirements

Suggesting ways you can improve your financial and business processes. 

Make use of General ledger budgets

General ledger budget figures let you measure actual performance against your expectations. The general ledger figures are of not much use on their own. At some point you have to compare your general ledger results against some expected standard. The budget figures allow you to record your expected results, your business plan, in advance. Then to monitor actual performance to see if you are meeting your goals.

All well run business enterprises have a business plan and compare results against the plan. Best practice is to enter general ledger budgets, at least on a few key accounts like revenue and expenses, at the start of the year. Then every month check your results against your expectation. If the business is not performing as expected, you will have time to do something about it before the end of the year.

There are two types of Budgets being either Monthly or Daily.

Monthly budgets are manually entered or imported however the daily ones can only be imported.

Readysell Pro relationships best practice

Regular training is essential

Run internal training sessions or schedule training sessions from Readysell

Staff changes, have any of your staff that deal with customers, suppliers or prospects changed

Key staff, is there just one staff member who is an expert in the relationships module? If so you are at risk if that person leaves or goes on holiday. Also it is hard to say if they are implementing best practice. Consider cross training your team so that you always have another point of view in respect to each persons work

New features, Readysell is coming out with new features all the time. If you notice a new feature or a number of new features that are relevant to you consider a training session to update your team on recent developments

Business trends, the business environment is always changing. For example the Australian dollar's value effects costs and prices. If there are any significant changes effecting your business, changes to how you use Readysell might help address the issue

Keep your card lists tidy and up to date

Archive customers that are not trading. Over time you customer list can fill up with inactive accounts. You can use the last sale date to identify cards that have not traded for a long time and change their status to archived

Review the industry and job information on your contacts as this is required by CRM and marketing automation

Archive contacts that are not used and update contact details. The contacts list in relationship helps make this easier

Cleaning up your cards and contacts increase the value of your business. The business value depends on the quality and quantity of your customer database

Use available services

Use loyalty points to lock customers in to your business

Change your invoice and statement messages to keep communications with customers interesting and fresh

In some cases Readysell allows your customers to reprint their invoices and statements from Readysell. Check if this is available to you and if so send our emails and take other messages to encourage your customers to use this feature.

Email's keep you in touch with your customers, prospects and suppliers

Automatically email invoices to most customers at end of day. Don't send emails during the day. As you want a chance to reverse errors before they are emailed out

Automatically email statements with attachments. Attach flyers etc. to your statements to put your marketing information in front of customers. They may not read your normal marketing emails, but they are always interested in statements. So your material sent out with the statement might get their attention.

General email batches used to send information, updates and announcements to customers

Automatic emails to collect meter counts if you use the service module

Email out remittances when you enter customer payments

Email out remittances when you produce supplier payments

EDI supplier purchase orders if possible, email then if you have to

Send emails from the card using Readysell's emailer to keep the history of the email conversation in Readysell

Use email and batch email defaults to send images of products on sale and link those images to your sales website. Images with links on emails can be an effective way of communicating to your customers. Customers tend to look at invoices and statements in more detail than other communications such as direct marketing

Telephone integration

Readysell can link to many phone systems. Record summary information about calls in your Readysell system. This improves service reporting. There is a lot to be learnt by drilling into the phone calls by customer, time of day, telemarketer etc.

Use contacts as a marketing tool

Put new customers on a introductory contract

Use a few standard contracts such as Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze where possible. Use individual product contracts only where you have to. 

Put groups of customers on the same standard contracts where you can

Publish the benefits of your standard contracts to customers

Use Readysell contract performance reports to monitor the success of your contracts

Use cases and integration as a simple CRM System

Readysell cases can help you track calls to your customer, recontact dates etc.

Implement integration from Readysell to MailChimp or similar products to support your marketing emails.

Consider integrating Readysell to a full blown CRM system such as Salesforce

Readysell Pro inventory and warehousing best practice

Warehouse and retail layout drives efficiency

Define warehouse zones so heavy items are picked appropriately, fast pick is easy to access, bulk locations are out of the way and retail is separate

Plan all warehouse, show room, credit return, back order receipt and retail locations

Allow space for receipting and plan a good flow of stock from receipting through to shipping areas

Set appropriate location sizes for your business, from one shelf min to two meters max

Setup trucks as stock locations if you use the service module

Set min and max levels for product locations to support stock replenishment from bulk to fast pick or tracks

Set retail locations to quarantine

Print bar coded location labels and place them on the appropriate locations. Consider using non-stick shelf talkers as labels

Manage those slow moving products

Show stock on hand, last receipt date, last sale date and date created on your product list. Then filter to show items created more than three months ago that have stock on hand and a last shipment more than three months ago. 

Review and consider putting on sale slow moving lines that are not parts of ranges

Automate price changes

For your first price update only. Use price book runs to ensure automatic updates will not cause wild changes to cost or sell prices due to variances in units

Once you have settled in price book runs, contact Readysell support and have automatic price updates turned on

Avoid catalogue loads. Even automatic catalogue loads can be replaced by automatic price updates

Manual loads of flyers might be justified, as flyers need to be reviewed and they don't permanently change any sell prices

Consider loading spreadsheets to the price book for any ranges that are not covered by your automatic data feeds

Generate price change labels for your retail area based on last primary sell price changed date

Implement wireless warehousing

Wireless warehousing using the mobile app on apple, android or windows is just best practice. Change is difficult, your team is probably used to picking from orders or picking slips. But the mobile app is just more efficient. The time has come to move to the best practice and mobile app is it.

Start by parrallel running sale shipments and move on from there

Plan on three hours training and implementation assistance. Every hour you spend on training will save you many hours of trial and error

Buy mobile units that support team viewer so Readysell can provide remote support

Review hour mobile device hardware guide before you purchase any devices

Save time with automated warehousing, if your business is not purely POS based

Automated warehousing can benefit every business. Take the time to understand the settings on your site file

The learning curve is justified, if you are not using automatic warehousing have it turned on

Reduce costs, save time and increase customer loyalty with advanced warehousing features

Wireless tables for putting away purchase receipts and picking sale shipments

Scan checking of purchase receipts entering the business. Consider using a large screen so your team can see your receipts display from a distance

Scan checking sale shipments

Automated warehousing as noted above

Drag quantity on sales back order onto the purchase receipt lines view. Then put aside that quantity into a back orders area. This saves a lot of time as pickers don't have to walk to the shelves to collect back orders

Picking slips with a count bigger than one are for back orders. So picking slips "2 of 2" is for backorders. Train your team to take such picking slips to the back order are

Save time and reduce costs by understanding

your warehouse and your team

Readysell can report on bin hits per hour to measure the effectiveness of your warehouse layout. The fast movers should be near the front of your warehouse

Download the List Report: "Shipment lines by location by hour" from the Readysell Store if you do not already have this report to run.

You can add any columns onto the report once you've run it for further information if you require them.

Picker shipment lines per day and credit/error rates can be tracked. Use this information to monitor your team. Perhaps additional training is required.

Save time and reduce costs by preparing for stockakes

Understand and plan the type of stock you will be using. There are a variety of stocktake methods and a separate group of stocktake stock clearing methods. Make sure you understand the difference between the methods of running stocktakes and the methods of clearing stock. 

Ensure you have a manual checklist to plan and track stocktake progress

If you are still in doubt use the ad-hock stocktake method. 

Setup locations and location labels before stocktake

Consider doing a stocktake without counting the stock, just to put the stock in the right locations

Laptops are best for your first stocktake

Tablets are best for second stocktakes, once you know all your barcodes are captured correctly for your product range

Note: If you have been running Readysell for six months and you have established best warehouse and inventory practices, you should not need to do stocktakes ever again. If you find yourself needing to do continuing stocktakes then something else is wrong. Spend the time to identify and correct the cause of the problem. This will normally be some procedure that is not being carried out correctly or is not correctly trained and defined.

Reduce costs by tracking stock adjustments

Retail workstations can make automatic stock adjustments so that customers can buy stock that they have in their hands but which is not yet receipted into the system. Those adjustments should reverse. Review automatic stock adjustments once a week to check they are being automatically reversed

Stock adjustments can be made from sales by right clicking on the product, consider applying security limits to this feature. If not review the number, value and created by for stock adjustments each week

Ensure staff classify stock adjustments to the correct stock adjustment type. "short stock" should only be used where other more defined reasons such as "damaged stock" do not apply

Improve revenue with optimal price options

Fixed sell prices suit prices that are automatically updated from external data feeds. If the sell price is not updated automatically, do not use fixed sell prices

The price method for each price level can be adjusted for individual products

Use markup from cost to ensure you hold your margin as costs change

Price categories on products can override other price rules. For example on large ranges of low cost consumables that you import without recommended sells

Price levels can be discounts from other levels, this can reduce your number of contracts and your price maintenance load

Put customers on price levels to provide incentives without the maintenance involved in contract prices

Remember, contracts can apply to supplier costs

Make use of market competitor price levels if they are updated into your system

Readysell Pro sales best practice

Understand the sales structure, Sales orders are demand, back orders are order lines, shipments are supply and sale invoices are charges

Sales orders should be used for B to B sales, where the goods are not going to be supplied right away. Such as where their might be backorders, prepayments or multiple shipments

Sale shipments should be used for POS sales where the whole of the sale is being shipped right now

Sale invoices can be for more than one sale shipment

Sale back order lines list all sale order lines that are currently back ordered. As receipts come in they clear from the list.

You control web order integration

Normally web orders are set to a workflow status of hold. So that you can review them before they are released by automatic warehousing. You can elect to skip this step

Products ordered by the customer that are not in stock are colour coded. You can elect to create the product or create a automatic substitution. It is worth the time to make as many automatic substitutions as you can. Thus allowing you to make use of endless isle without having to expand you warehouse product range

There are a number of tools to help with quotes

Quote view shows gp and margin

The change value button can make working on quotes easier, by setting the total value to a price point, changing the markup, discount or gp on selected lines and many other features

The extract button can help you view customer history as well as extract details

Make use of the customer history button

When quotes are accepted the original quote can't be changed. So you can always go back to it if the customer questions the final invoice

Compare and colour code quote lines using competitor pricing. Match competitor prices automatically

Your retail operation can work better with those options

Use Readysell's new dedicated POS window to process POS transactions


Implement EFT integration to the bank

Consider Tyro bank integration. Money is cleared less often but charges may be lower

Use sale shipments when every possible rather than sales orders

Create machines from sales tenders for larger equipment items if you are using the service module

Automatically print retail price labels using last sell price change

Plan and implement locations for your retail area. Then use location labels in your retail area

Set the retail locations to quarantine if you have a warehouse to stop warehousing allocating retail stock

Use stock location transfers to move stock in and out of retail from the warehouse

Require payment in full from walk in customers that back order stock

Require a scan of the original invoice or sale docket before you allow credits

Use cash counts for groups of registers at end of day

Use consolidated zreads

Use cash counts

Use payins/payouts to manage cash in the till

Use advanced shipment and invoicing options

From the shipments list view you can drag two shipments for the same customer onto one invoice. This allows you to pick shipments when automatic warehousing releases them, but to still combine an first shipment for an order and a shipment for backorders onto one invoice

Set customers to a maximum number of shipments, usually 2, instead of holding shipments manually until the rest of the stock arrives

Add value for customers by using one invoice per order or one invoice per month for those customers that want to consolidate their invoices

Use parent and charge to accounts on customer cards. Customers with parent accounts can have invoices charged to their separate accounts and invoices printed to head office or invoices printed for each branch and head office with charges going to each branch

Set customers to price levels to reduce the need for contracts. Use custom price levels that are discounted from standard levels

Readysell Pro service best practice

Use the mobile app

Manual service paperwork is not best practice, the time has come to go mobile!

The mobile app can run on phones, tablets and windows 10 laptops. Consider the platform required to run all other apps your technicians use, read PDF manuals and other uses. Phones probably will not cut it on their own

Use a device that can support team viewer so Readysell support can connect to the device and help out

Parallel run your in house service work using both paper and mobile app for a time. Once you have all service orders that are being processed in house being completed through the mobile app, start using the mobile app for on site service work

Structure your products and procedures to support machine and technician reporting

Service and technician reporting only works if you setup your products in the recommended manner. Such as travel having a unit of time. Review your products and procedures to ensure they comply to best practice

Review the key service reports document

Enter some practice transactions in test and ensure you understand all the reports

Organise some training sessions with Readysell to answer your questions once you have trialed the reports

Run internal training sessions

The most effective way to keep up to date with best practice is to have one technician study updates, do training with Readysell and read the manuals/movies. Then have internal training sessions to spread best practices around your business

It is not good enough to be trained when the system first goes in and never repeat the process. Plan on an three monthly training program. You can't keep your teams skills at the highest level without it.

Use toner tracking

Readysell can track toners at customer sites by machine. You have a lot of money tied up in toners, make sure you are tracking it

Implement hire

Readysell supports short term hire through hire products and long term hire through hire meters on machines 

If you leave any product on loan at customer sites or charge a fee for hire, use the hire features to track your activity

Repair machines before they break using service call automation

Don't wait for customers to suffer disruption due to equipment failure. The modern approach is to prevent machine failures

 Use Readysell automated service order generation to manage your maintenance plan

Implement Managed Print Services MPS

Readysell supports advanced managed print services features, such as splitting charges to customers and finance companies

This is a growing area, try to implement larger deals, Readysell will be there to support your MPS requirements

Use advanced meter charging features

Capture meter counts electronically from emails sent by machines, emails from customers, web pages displayed from emails etc.

Encourage your customers to allow you to use print audit or FM Audit to collect information

Actively discourage manual meter count collection from customers

Readysell Pro purchasing best practice

Use automatic reordering

There is no other option if you want your business running well, you have to use automatic purchasing. This may mean you change procedures, layout your warehouse locations and do a stocktake. What ever is required you need to do it.

Start with average weekly sales as your entry into automatic purchasing, it is easier to get started than min/max

Train your staff to use messages to understand suggested reorder quantities and to use the not reordered filter to show products that can be added to make up the minimum order quantity for suppliers

Use min/max reordering for key lines

It is easy to be a bit lazy and just use average weekly sales to calculate automatic reorder quantities for all products, don't do it. Min/max reordering should be used for some products.

Consumables used by the key products you sell, such as large photocopiers, must be on hand at all times. Those products should be purchased using min/max, to ensure they are in stock even if they are not selling regularly

Start by identifying your key products by product category

Use the min/max run to automatically suggest min/max levels. Use product categories to limit the products extracted. Then apply those min/max levels

Drag min/max onto your purchase reorder line window and edit min/max levels live as you review each purchase run

Setup purchase runs sets for different suppliers, days of week and times of day

Automatic purchasing is controlled by run sets which save the settings used by each automatic purchase run. 

Save a range of purchase runs to suit your purchasing requirements for each day, time of day etc.

Then document your purchase run procedure. So any staff member can run the purchasing process for a few days using the documented procedure if your purchasing officer is away

Use drop shipments, allocated purchases and regular purchases

Use drop shipments purchase orders that support the supplier delivering the goods directly to the customer and you invoicing the customer when you receive the invoice from the supplier

Use allocated purchase orders, as allocated purchases will only allocate to the sale order or service order to which they are linked. This allows you to order specifically for a particular sale

Use regular purchases are for normal stock. When they are received, remember to put any backorders aside, don't put stock received for back orders onto the normal shelves

Review parts requested by service technicians

Service technicians can request purchase of parts you do not stock. Ensure there is a person in the service department reviewing those requests. You can often use some other part in order to prevent too many parts building up as product lines in your parts inventory

Follow best purchasing practice

Create a product for every line you purchase if it is going to be in stock for any amount of time

Avoid using miscellaneous non-stock products on purchase orders. You can't track stock for non-stock lines

Archive products that have not been purchased or shipped for a year and have been created more than a year ago


Readysell Pro reporting best practice

Ensure you are well trained in and using Analysis reports

  • If you don't know how to use analysis reports you are not getting the best results out of your system.

  • You should be using Readysell's key reports documentation to define most of your reporting requirements and you should be using analysis reports for your custom management reports.

  • You can handle about 90% of your new report requests yourself if you know how to use analysis reports. Analysis reports can answer most of your business questions, but only if you know how to drive them

  • Allow a few hours for analysis report training. This will probably be the most productive training time you could invest in. Analysis allows you to drill into, to slice and dice your data just about any way you can think of

  • So Analysis reports can answer over 90% of your custom management reporting requirements without you having to have new reports built. Every Readysell user should invest about three hours training time in learning analysis reports. You must know what you are after before you start. Review your understanding of the business, your current processes and your existing reports. Then start your Analysis reports studies with at least an outline of an understanding of the information you need. If you are not using analysis reports, make sure you start doing so as soon as possible..

  • While analysis reports can't do direct comparisons between months. You can get the same result by filtering your analysis report to only show the months you want, then drop the month (period) into the columns area on the right of the report. The days/weeks/months you have selected will show right next to each other. Allowing you to do all the comparisons you like.

  • Analysis reports can eliminate all the analysis spreadsheets you are currently building from data contained in your system. If you are analysing prices, contracts, stock, sales people etc.  manually, stop doing so! Analysis reports can give you better information and save you hours of time.

  • Analysis reports give you greater flexibility to drill into your data then any other type of report but can be harder to use. Analysis allows you build a three dimensional view of your data by dragging, for example, columns like sales person and customer to the left of a list, month to the top and sales value to the middle. This allows almost endless report possibilities without custom programming.

  • Best practice is to use form reports for standard requirements and analysis reports where customisation or deeper analysis is required.  Unless you are using both form and analysis reports, you are probably not getting the most from your Readysell system. 

For details of the available analysis reports, please review the Key Analysis Reports Overview.

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Read the key report guides

Readysell's user guide contains a list of key reports. Review the list, there are probably reports there that answer issues you have not even thought off

Watch the report demo movies on our YouTube channel

Make a list of the key reports from your old system

There will be some reports from your old system that you use all the time. Make a list of those reports, not every report on your old system, just the ones you use frequently

Compare your list of key reports from your old system with the key reports in Readysell. 

Discuss with Readysell any cases where you have a key report from your old system that you can't find an equivalent for in Readysell

Customise your invoices using only the existing invoice reports if possible

Readysell's invoice layout has a lot of customisation options. Make sure you know the options and put them to use in your business

Try to use the input report customisation options on sales invoices, product labels etc. Try to avoid making your own custom versions of form reports if you can help it. As they may be broken by future upgrades and having Readysell repair them may result in a charge

Use list view variants as reports

You can save normal Readysell list views and use them instead of reports. Consider adding subtotals to lists then copying them around to users in each role within your business

Lists give you the answer you need right away using live data without having to change screens. Half your reports should be done through lists, then just export the result to excel if you have to

Document your reporting procedure

Your business will run better if your record which reports are run regularly and who gets them. 


Review your report procedure every three months. Perhaps business needs have changed and you can scrap a report or need to add a new one

If you are not using those reports regularly you are not getting the most from your system


Low gp sale line report, See: Which sales are losing me money and what can I do about it. See also: How can I fix gross profit figures for list bulk or other sell prices before they are sold and before they cost me money

Review actionable meterics. See: Actionable Metrics

Review the sale back order and ourstanding purchase order list views to make sure your back orders are not getting too old. See: Getting started with sale back ordersTracking ETA dates on outstanding purchase order lines

Review your open sale orders to make sure your sale orders are not getting too old. See: Working with Sales Order FilterGetting started with sale orders

Weekly/more than once a month

Automatic emailing to customers informing them if their balance is overdue. See: Setting up automatic accounts receivable follow-up email and SMS notifications

Check your delivery in full and on time statistics. See: Delivery In Full, On Time (DIFOT)


Profit and loss report should be run and reviewed each month. Look for changes in revenue and costs over time. See: Live Profit and Loss report


Customers and supplier trial balances should be reviewed at least once a month, check in particular the oldest balances. See: Checking Customer BalancesChecking Supplier Balances


Analysis sales person sales by customer by category. See: Daily Sale By Day By Salesperson


Contract price performance report monthly, keep an eye on contract performance. In particular look for fluctuations in gp% from contracts over time. See: Which contract sale lines have been costing me money recently


Note for Service Sites: Machine profitability