Reports Training Guide

Reports Training Guide

Assumed Knowledge

Before you attempt the Reports training guide, you must complete:

The skills covered by the training guide segments listed above are taken as assumed knowledge.  Do not proceed with this segment of the training guide until you have reviewed the training guide segments listed above and successfully completed the skills test at the end of those earlier training guide segments.  You can't successfully complete this segment of the training guide without the skills covered in those earlier segments.  There are no effective short-cuts!  Don't sell yourself short by skipping those essential skills.

Reporting Overview

Define your reporting requirements

Print out an example of all your key reports.  Then make a list of your reporting requirements from that list. 

Once you have a list of the reports you need, be it one report or many, review the lists of key reports and find if you can run a similar report in Readysell.  You will need this information to complete the skills test at the end of this segment.

Compare your reporting requirements against Readysell's standard reports.  The standard reports have a Report ID on the left hand column of the reports lists.  All of the standard reports are explained in the key reports lists.

Note that cash centric reports like the bank deposit report and the Z-Read reports may not balance to sales reports.  The reasons being:

  • Z-Read reports are about a subset of all transactions on particular workstations.  They don't necessarily include all sales in every case
  • Cash transactions do not always relate to sales.  For example a prepayment/deposit on a sales order is not a sale.  The sale happens when the shipment extracted from the sale order is completed/invoiced.  So the Z-Read will show the cash from the deposit today, while the sales report will show the value of the sale on some future date, when the sale is completed.

Note that sales reports are normally based around invoices.  Shipment of goods may not be invoiced right away.  So there can be a difference between reports on sales and actual shipments.  The reason why sales reports are generally based on invoices is that you can prove and balance invoices vs sales reports if the sales reports are based on invoices.  Readysell users frequently want the confidence of being able to balance invoices to sales reports and to general ledger.  Basing sales reports on sales shipment is helpful in some cases, but puts you in a position where it is much more difficult to balance key figures in your system.

Video Training

(Before using any videos, don't get stuck with viewing a tiny image, see How To Play Videos )

Report Skills

Be aware that Readysell only provides the standard reports as part of the system. All custom reports you may request will be charged.



How ToSkillVideo

Best practice checklist reports

If you are the project manager. Consider the business benefits you can get through reports
*Best Practice Guide - Report Implementation 

If you are the project manager.  Consider the best standard reports to use in your business. 

The standard reports can handle almost all your reporting requirements.

There will be some management reports that you want that are not in the system.  See analysis reports below to see how you can handle those reports for yourself.

****Analysis Reports  

Your project manager and possibly other key power users should know how to use analysis reports. 

Analysis reports can answer about 90% of your custom management reporting requirements.


*Form Reports  

If you are the project manager, consider learning more about form reports.

Form reports are the workhorse of the reporting system.

They cover all your standard external reports such as sale invoices, purchase orders, labels etc.

This is optional, you probably can regard this as further reading, not critical to your implementation.

*List Reports  

If you are the project manager, consider learning more about list reports.  List reports allow you to construct lists that don't exist on the navigation menu.  List reports exist to fill in any gaps in the lists on the navigation menu.  They are probably the least used form of reports.  This is optional, you probably can regard this as further reading, not critical to your implementation.