Setting up meter to use Initial Charge field

Setting up meter to use Initial Charge field

This is useful when you want to set-up meters to charge additional or give discount on the invoicing value using the Meter Price of Initial Charge Value.

  1. From Navigation>Service > Machines then select a machine
  2. Click Meters tab then select a meter e.g., Colour, Mono
  3. Click Prices tab
  4. Enter a type = Count
  5. Enter a Price Ex Tax for that type = count
  6. Enter another type = Initial count 
  7. For type = Initial count enter a $value for the price to be charged
    To give a discount you would enter the $value with a minus in front

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  8. Click Save 

    It is good practice to conduct a test meter count/charge run to verify the set-up in the test database before doing it in live.