Readysell Developer's Guide

Readysell Developer's Guide


The Readysell API lets developers build applications or interface existing applications to a Readysell system. The Readysell API is a HTTP/JSON based API and focuses on core extensibility features, such as:

  • Extracting customer and product data from Readysell for use in external websites
  • Placing of orders or shipments in Readysell from external web sites or services
  • Accessing and updating gift registry and gift voucher information

That said, the Readysell API may be used for any purpose authorised by the owner of the Readysell system.

Getting started

In our sandbox

  1. Go to the API documentation at https://readysell-swagger.azurewebsites.net
  2. Select an operation
  3. Click Try it out
  4. Fill in any required fields in the body parameter
  5. Click on Execute

On a customer system

  1. Ask for the customer to submit a request on your behalf to support@readysell.com.au using the template below

    Dear Readysell Support,
    I would like to request for API access to be set up to allow my developer,
    [INSERT DEVELOPER NAME HERE], to remotely access and modify data in my
    Readysell system. In doing so, I agree to pay the API access fee (as set out in
    the Readysell Service Fee Policy) and agree that any inadvertent data changes
    due to the incorrect use of the API are the responsibility of myself and/or my
    Please activate access from [INSERT DATE HERE] and supply the relevant
    authentication details to [INSERT DEVELOPER EMAIL HERE].
  2. Once we have received this and authorization is approved, the customer's licence will be updated and your credentials will be set up. We will email you with the endpoint URL, your username and password.

If you require additional API credentials, see Creating a new user for API access.

API operations

A full list of supported API operations can be found at https://readysell-swagger.azurewebsites.net

Client libraries

You can use the Swagger Code Generator tool to create client SDKs for many common programming languages and frameworks (including .NET, Java, Node.js and PHP). Download the generator and point it to our API definition at https://readysell-swagger.azurewebsites.net/readysell.swagger.json

API improvements and changes

We're always open to improving or extending our APIs to meet customer requirements. We're aware that there's a wide range of scenarios that you may be trying to implement, and we want to make sure we have the right APIs to support your implementation.

If you have any requests for changes (no matter how big or small), please email them to support@readysell.com.au and they will be passed onto our product team for review.

See also

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