Mentoring program

Mentoring program


The mentoring program follow up guide walks you through all of the follow up work you need to do after each weeks mentoring session.  Each session has an Outcome that you should achieve as a result of the session and the follow up work.  See outline of mentoring program program below:

1Baseline your BusinessLook at key sales, customer and inventory metrics.  Identify 5 key areas to improve for your business
2Getting you Data RightLook at product data, customer data and stock dataUnderstand how to use tools to improve data, target and plan for improvement
3Readysell Best Practice pt 1Key features to drive efficiency 1Identify gaps in best practice and understand how to implement in your dealership
4Readysell Best Practice pt 2Key features to drive efficiency 2Identify gaps in best practice and understand how to implement in your dealership
5Readysell ReportsUse reports to drive improvement in your businessImproved understanding of reporting writing functions in Readysell
6WebX pt 1Operating WebX using ReadysellClarify key features to improve efficiency with WebX
7WebX pt 2Strategies to drive online sales using WebX and eCupboardIdentify activity to improve web sales
8CRMImprove understanding of CRMBetter understanding of the CRM as a tool in the business to grow sales
9Report BackEach member to present an overview of the last 8 weeks with an activity planActivity plan

Mentoring program sessions and follow up requirements