Importing Meter Count Run from a Excel Spreadsheet

Importing Meter Count Run from a Excel Spreadsheet


You can now import a meter count run from a excel spreadsheet.
Readysell supports the spreadsheets from Canon, Canon-CSG and FXPC
When you import the spreadsheet, the system will create a new meter count run for each count run cycle that is assigned to that meter.
The meter count run uses the Max Date off the spreadsheet for Canon = Max(Billed Date to); Canon-CSG =Meter Read: Created Date and FXPC =  DatePeriodEnd
You may need to tidy up some of the Machine/Meters to line up with the spreadsheet
You may also need to tidy up Serial Numbers along with Meter Product Pricing.
Save the spreadsheets into a Folder

Setup required on Machines and Meter Types for a Canon Import 

  1. Ensure the Canon Machines have a Status = Active
  2. Ensure the machine start and end contract date are correct
  3. Readysell suggests that you group the Canon Machines by either putting them into the same count cycle eg Canon or Create an Override Card Type = Canon 
  4. Ensure each machine has a serial number as the Import works off the serial number on the machine 
  5. Ensure each meter has the corresponding 'Canon counter number' assigned to the correct meter type

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  6. Canon uses the following 'Counter Names' from the spreadsheet
Counter Counter NameCanon Counter Number
BW Black and White


BWLBlack and White Large112
BWSBlack and White Small113
CLRLFull Colour Singe Colour/Large122
CLRLSFull Colour Single Colour/Small123

Importing a Meter count Run

  1. Log onto Readysell>Service>Meter Count Run
  2. Click on Import From File and make a selection

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  3. Select one of the Spreadsheets saved eg Canon 
  4. A meter count run will be created for each meter count cycle for the machines in that spreadsheet and the Max date will be used from the Spreadsheet
  5. You may be prompted with a list of 'Warnings' eg 'Unable to find machine matching serial number 'QZL50477''; Warning: Reported dealer price (0.1039) does not match Readysell meter price (0.086300) for machine 28787 meter 123-A4 Colour
  6. Copy all the lines in the Warning Pop up box and paste it into a word document or notepad .
  7. review each 'warning line' and make the appropriate corrections to the machines/meters
  8. Delete that Meter Count run and re import it until you don't get any warnings.
  9. If there are no warnings, then just check the meter count run as usual 
  10. Once you are happy with the meter count run Finalise it.

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