Machine - LastCommunicationDate
Machine - LastCommunicationDate
A machine has a last communication date field.
This field is a property of the machine, not a property of the meter. As a machine can have many meters.
This field is a read-only field.
There are many methods of passing meter reads.
The field is updated using the most recent date on any one of the meters.
The machine can be of any status.
- If a machine has only a total meter but no children meters, the system will set the last communication date to be null that is '01/01/0001'
- If a machine has a total meter and children meters, but none of the children meters have any counts, the system will set the last communication date to be null that is '01/01/0001'
- If a machine has a total meter, children meters, counts for any of the meters, the date on the most recent count for any of the meters is what used as the last communication date
- If a machine has a total meter, children meters, and the last communication date is outside the range of the meter count date, that is the date has come through another source eg mail parser, the mail parser read itself may not have any meter counts but it may have the last communication date, it will use that date if the date is greater then the date on the meter count.
, multiple selections available,