Change Readysell 8 Test instance Database to another database

Change Readysell 8 Test instance Database to another database

By default Readysell 8 testing environments :

  1. Hot Fix staging has database r8hotfixstaging in RS server

  2. Adhoc 1 and 2 have database r8adhoc1 and r8adhoc2 in RS server

  3. Feature Staging 1 and 2 have database r8featurestaging1 and r8featurestaging1 in RS server

  4. Stable has r8stable database in RS server

  5. Demo (TBA)

  6. Cloud and Cloud (Admin) - not used anymore, refer to new shortcut for Cloud WVD


How to use different database with one of those Readysell 9 test instance, for example :

  1. With FeatureStaging2 test instance need to use database readysell_wb from DevServerNuc*1 server IP

*1)special DevServerNUC - 18/02/2021- there is an issue due to port forwarding, need a special steps :

a. Run Heidi from RS server, connect to port 3306 with valid username password

b. Error with will pop up and note the new IP address (error : can’t connect to

c. Run Heidi from DevServerNuc

d. Run this script :



SELECT * FROM mysql.user;


2. Make a copy of Database.config on FeatureStaging2 server and rename to Database_wb.config (C:\Readysell8\Readysell.Server.FeatureStaging2)

3. Change in Database_wb.config : server=;port=3306;user id=root;password=[xxx];database=readysell_wb

4. Rename Database.config to Database_original.config

5. Rename Database_wb.config to Database.config

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for FeatureStaging2 Win (C:\Readysell8\Readysell.Win.FeatureStaging2)

7. Repeat steps 2-5 for client Readysell on workstation :


b. Might need to test and do step *1) - blue colour text- from this workstation


Setup is done, now continue with configuration :

  1. Manual update database : https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INT/pages/765886504

  2. Make sure service is running

  3. Run Readysell client from workstation

  4. If need to to deploy and update to another version :

a. Set Task (Schedule time is relative)

b. Set System Type

c. Hot fix staging service port 8226 ; AdHoc1 8256 ; Adhoc2 8266 ; FeatureStaging 8246 ; FeatureStaging2 8276 ; Stable 8216

(when entered to Readysell System should be Port - 1 )

d. RS server IP address

e. Restart service

f. Upgrade schedule will trigger the upgrade Readysell and update database



Change to database which database name is NOT r8hotfixstaging, r8adhoc1, r8adhoc2, r8featurestaging1, r8featurestaging2, or r8stable ; Readysell 8 Test instance will become Production mode.

  1. Add /Environment Test to workstation shortcut

  2. or Change the database name to list above

  3. Make sure the Readysell 8 Test instance running with RED color ribbon





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