Using a list report to compare your product suppliers with price book product suppliers

Use the "Product unit review against the price book for products sold by each and by box" list report

Select "Reports" then "list reports" from the navigation pannel

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Change your list view to "Custom Reports" in the view selection pull down list on the toolbar

 Click here to expand...

Click on the "Readysell Store" button and select "Browse Store"

 Click here to expand...

Highlight the "

Use the "Product unit review against the price book for products sold by each and by box" list report

Select "Reports" then "list reports" from the navigation pannel

 Click here to expand...

Change your list view to "Custom Reports" in the view selection pull down list on the toolbar

 Click here to expand...

Click on the "Readysell Store" button and select "Browse Store"

 Click here to expand...

Highlight the "

Use the "Product unit review against the price book for products sold by each and by box" list report

Select "Reports" then "list reports" from the navigation pannel

 Click here to expand...

Change your list view to "Custom Reports" in the view selection pull down list on the toolbar

 Click here to expand...

Click on the "Readysell Store" button and select "Browse Store"

 Click here to expand...

Highlight the "Pricebook supplier to product supplier comparison" report and click download

 Click here to expand...

Find the report in your "list reports" list view. Then click on the Filters tab on the report, highlight the "Product primary supplier comparison" filter and click on the "Show Report Using Filter" button

 Click here to expand...

The report should look something like the example below. Note the conditional colour formatting in orange of suppliers that are different to Office Brands and in red of products with sell units different to Office Brands

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