Merging products

Merging products

Readysell allows you to merge product records.

This is a very powerful operation and cannot be reversed.

If one of the product IDs exist on the other product you are merging into as an alternate ID (Alternate ID tab) you will get an error.  You must remove out the alternate ID of that product ID, save the change and then merge the products together.

  1. From the Navigation panel click 'Inventory' then 'Products'.
  2. Products window now opens
  3. On the left hand side of the screen is a list of all of your products and Product ID
  4. Search for a product code use the product code search field.
  5. Hold down the Control key on your keyboard, then select at least one further product. You can also use the Shift key to select a range of products.
  6. Once you have highlighted the products you wish to merge, click Merge from the top panel. Readysell will display a confirmation dialog.
  7. In the Merge Products window, select the product you wish to merge into. This is the product record that will be kept.

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  8. When you are ready, click OK. Readysell will merge the product records.

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