Changing and merging customer codes

Changing and merging customer codes

Changing Customer Codes and Merging Customer Codes Together
Changing Customer Codes to a new Customer Code (non-existent)2-3
Merging two existing Customers together4-6
From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on button Customers

On F2 Transactions tab (bottom left hand corner of screen)
Click on button Change Customer Code

Changing Customer Codes to a new Customer Code (non-existent)

Click on button Insert

Key in the Old Customer code (the original supplier code you are wanting to change)
Hit tab or enter on your keyboard
Key in the New Customer code (that does NOT already exist in suppliers)
Leave the flag OFF for Allow Merge (as you are ONLY changing the customer code to a new one)
Click on button OK

This message only applies to those stores running replication. If you are not running replication, this change of codes will happen straight away.
Click on button +OK

The change of customer code is now done.
Click on button Close

You are then taken back to your Customers Browse.
Merging two existing Customers together

Click on button Change Customer Code

Click on button Insert

Key in the Old Customer code (the original code you are not keeping but merging into the next customer code)
Hit Tab or Enter on your keyboard
Key in the New Customer code (the existing customer code you want to keep but merge the Old customer code into)

This warning appears reminding you that the New Customer code already exists (i.e. you are changing the code to an existing one)
Click on button +OK

Turn ON flag for Allow Merge of Old Customer to New Customer even if New Customer already exists
Click on button OK

This message only applies to those stores running replication. If you are not running replication, this change of codes will happen straight away.
Click on button +OK

The merge of customer codes is now done.
Click on button Close

You are then taken back to your Customers Browse.

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