Merging products through the products module

Merging products through the products module
The product you are merging into must have no stock on hand at the time of the merge.
i.e. product A has stock on hand of 4 and product B has stock on hand of 6. Total true stock on hand is 10. Product A needs to be merged into product B. You need to write 6 quantities of the stock off for product B to bring it back to an on hand quantity of zero (0). Merge the products and then write the stock back on of 6 to bring the new stock on hand back up to 10.

Example case:
Created Product A and product B
Did a sale for both products (as neither had stock on hand – during the sale I selected to let the stock go to negative)
Wrote stock on for product B to bring stock back to zero (as you cannot change 2 existing product codes into 1 when there is stock or negative stock on hand – as per message I got when trying to merge to codes together) – so if merging A which has stock or not stock into B which has stock – you get a warning saying merge won't happen as stock on hand for B is 2. But if merging B which has stock into A which has no stock, it lets the merge happen and any stock from B comes across to the stock on hand for A.
Used button Change Product Code
Original code A was changed to B, the product name was replaced by A's product name, product movements inclusive of stock on hand for both products show in the stock movement archive, pricing inclusive of tab 1 and tab 5 was updated with A's pricing.  The only original field kept by B was the actual product code of B.
At this point if you needed to write on stock again to match actual stock on hand, you would using the Product Transactions module Write On/Write Off of stock process.
Yes you can merge products but the product you are merging into loses all of its details except for product code and you keep both product's archive.

For writing on and writing off stock please refer to document:
Writing stock on and off, stock adjustments and average cost adjustmentsNEW.doc

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on button Products
Select product you want to merge from
Tab F2 General
Click on button Change Product Codes

The product you had selected shows in the Current Product Code field.
In the New Product Code field, key in the product code you want to merge into.

Click on button OK
Product is now merged.