Readysell 8 CRM

Readysell 8 CRM

Note: The CRM module was created mainly for the service module to better track the activities and schedule of the service staff. To use it outside this scope may mean that this may not work exactly as you want it to.

The CRM uses Cards, Cases and Cards - tab Schedule.

If you are using the Service module, then you also would be using Cases and Schedules.


  1. Start with your staff – Users

  2. Make sure each user is set to Show On Schedule

  3. Flag each user for Show on Schedule, save changes, got to tab Tools, click on Flush Cache



  1. Next – go to the customer card

  2. Navigation panel > Relationships > Cards

  3. Filter to show Current Customers

  4. Find and select the customer card

  5. On tab Cases, click on button New

  6. Select the Case Type

  1. Give the Case a Case Name (I.e. description of what the case is for)

  2. The Card field is pre-populated with the customer you started the case on

  3. The field Person should be the card contact person you need contact with for this case (all contacts will be displayed in the list of contacts to select from)

  4. Set the Priority for this case

  5. Which staff member/user is the case to be Assigned To?  Which staff member at your site?

  6. Leave Date Created as is

  7. Select the Due Date – i.e. when the first appointment is due.

  8. Click on button Save (top ribbon of screen) 

On the Activities tab

  1. There is a blank line ready to go.

  2. The date is the date of the activity.  I.e. call or onsite visit/followup.  Change this if required using the bottom section of the screen.

  3. Choose a Communication Method

  4. Place any notes in there to start with about what this is for.

  5. Click on button Save

On the General Tab

  1. You can, but do not have to, select which Sales order/machine/service order this Case may refer to.

On tab Notes

  1. You can fill in the Objective for this Case

  2. And in the Outcome you can fill out what the end result was from this Case

  3. Case Notes can also be documented on the bottom section of this tab using the New button (not the Insert button) to create a new line (first line with a funnel on the left is a search filter line) but first you will need to change the filter to Active Transaction Notes or the new one you created will not appear to enter into. 

  4. Change the filter on the Case Notes to be All Notes

  5. Click on the New button,

  6. Set an Expiry Date if relevant (you may have to add that column in if it does not appear by default in the Case Notes)

  7. Double click into the Text field and the note appears as a new tab to see full screen. 

  8. Add your note, select if it is to pop up or print on a sale or leave tick boxes unticked if it’s just a note.

  9. Then click on button Save and Close.

On the Message Logs tab

  1. You can send emails from this tab to the customer for this case.

On the top ribbon

  1. You can send an email for this case to the customer

  2. You can also log standard notes where there is a pre-selective list of notes to choose from that could be used in future for reporting purposes

  3. You can also log notes against the case.

  4. Now click on button Save and Close at the top of the screen.


  1. Back on the customer card, select tab Schedule, find the person at your site that you allocated the Case to and look at the calendar date and time for that scheduled Case Activity.

  2. Double Click on it to open it.

  3. You can update the name in the Subject field to something more relevant

  4. You can even save in a Location – like the customer’s address if going out to the customer.  You will need to manually key this in.

  5. Set the Start On date and time for this case contact schedule

  6. Set the End On date and time for this case contact schedule

  7. OR Tick the tick box for All Day if the contact with your customer is an all day event. Or leave it un-ticked if it is something that will only run for half an hour to an hour etc.

  8. Set your status I.E Busy / Out of Office etc

  9. You can Label this up if you like in whatever colour to make it stand out on your schedule

  10. Set a recurrence if this is a reoccurring activity/case by clicking on the horizontal 3 dots box

    1. The recurrence opens another box for you to set this up,

    2. Set how often you want this to show in your schedule.  You can set it to No end date if you are not sure when you want to stop this recurrence.

    3. Example:

  1. Click on button OK to save

On the Staff tab

  1. Set any staff that need this reminder in their Scheduler.

On the Reminder tab

  1. You can set reminders for both yourself and your customer contact person

  2. The reminder can be set by Calendar, Email or SMS

  3. You can set how many minutes before the reminder comes up before the scheduled time.

On the Related Records tab

  1. The Card is pre-populated

  2. The Contact Person is pre-populated

  3. You can then add in the address if required if you are actually going onsite.

  4. Click on button Save and Close.

  5. When you contact the customer or go out onsite, whatever the case is scheduled for, then make notes on the case activity.

  6. Once the activity on the case is completed, then flag it as Completed

Click on Save on the top ribbon above Cards to save all work


  • Create a New Activity every time you go out onsite to the customer or ring them over the phone IF IT FALLS OUTSIDE THE STANDARD SCHEDULE and record all information required against the activity.

  • You do NOT need to create a case yourself if it is scheduled, the system will create it for you.

  • The next recurrence will remind you when to contact the customer again and then you make a new Activity again against this case and mark the activity as completed once you have contacted the customer.


The Status on the Case will remain Open for as long as you have it scheduled in the Scheduler.

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