Card notes

Card notes

The Notes tab on the Card Detail window lets you see all the notes that have been defined or added for this card. If a note is associated with a transaction, you can click Source Record to view the original record.

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There are no custom buttons for this list. Refer to Common Buttons.





The body (text) of the note.

Transaction Number

If the note was created for a transaction, this field will contain the transaction number.

Transaction Type

If the note was created for a transaction, this field will contain the transaction’s type.

Transaction Date

If the note was created for a transaction, this field will contain the transaction date.


The ID of the card associated with the note.


If the note is associated with a product, this field will contain the product ID.


If the note is associated with a machine, this field will contain the machine ID.


If this is checked, the note will be visible externally.

Display On Sale, etc

These fields govern where the note will be displayed. For example, a note regarding a sale order might be displayed on the sale but not on the purchase.

When entering notes, you can view these notes from the notes button on the top ribbon as well.