Supplier Transactions

Supplier Transactions


Key Features

  • Supplier transactions are purely financial transactions, they do not have any affect on the physical movement of stock on hand.
  • A supplier payment in Readysell indicates that a supplier has been paid for the items we have purchased. A payment can be sent via ABA file directly to electronic banking, direct deposit, cheque, eftpos intergration or cash. Once a payment has been entered, it can then be allocated against the supplier card, and it then reduces the balance owing by the supplier.
  • Supplier Credit Notes and Supplier Debit Notes are purely Non Stock Financial Transactions. These transactions have no effect on the Physical Stock Movement that is the increase or decrease of Stock on Hand.
  • Before inserting a Supplier Debit and/or Credit, try and assign the General Ledger Account to the Suppliers Card for the Expense. see link Card settings
  • If a supplier debit has been paid and is already part of an allocation, the system will prompt you with a validation. If you choose to ignore the validation and continue with the reversal , the system will unallocated the associate payment that was against the debit about to be reversed.
  • Supplier payment runs can automatically generated suggested supplier payments based on selected payment criteria
  • Supplier remittances can be automatically emails to suppliers

Getting Started