Email Batches

Email Batches


Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.


Attach FileOpen Dialog to select the file to add as an attachment.

Extract BatchExtract a list of emails to be sent.
Run Batch NowSending that batch of emails from Readysell to your customers and/or suppliers



Tran Type

The type of open item (e.g. BATEML (Batch Email).


The transaction number of the open item.


A Status is update feature on any entry/transaction made within readysell.


The date and time (local to the workstation) when the action took place.


The type of email batch (Accounts receivable follow up, Accounts receivable follow up SMS, Customer Debits, General, Invoices, Purchase orders and Statements)


Description of the email batch (i.e. payment run, purchase run, meter charge run, etc)

Email Subject

Subject of the email batch


Carbon Copy of the email sent to


Blind carbon copy email sent to

Lines tab


Customer email batch is for

Recipient NameName of the user receiving email
Communication MethodMethod of communication (Courier, email, fax, mail, none, service call or SMS)
Recipient Email AddressEmail address of recipient
Recipient MobileMobile contact number of recipient
Recipient FaxFax number of recipient
SuccessSending status e.g. ticked means email successfully sent.

General tab

From nameSenders name
From AddressSenders email address
SiteSite email batch is being sent from
PeriodThe period in which the email batch occurred
NotesAllows you to enter notes against a record or line item

Preview tab

This shows a preview of the email that was sent as a batch.

Log tab

Date TimeThe date and time (local to the workstation) when the action took place
Log LevelEither information or error
TextIf the batch has sent, completed or if there is an error

Message Logs tab

ToThe email addresses that it is being sent to
DateThe date and time (local to the workstation) when the action took place.
SubjectSubject of the email batch

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