Setting customers up for batch invoicing one invoice for the month


A customer may choose to receive one invoice per month, containing all sales orders and shipments for that month. This is also known as "batch invoicing".

Before using this option, try setting the max shipments/sale to 1 on the customer card.

The simplest method, and one we suggest you try first, is to set the Max Shipments/Sale on the settings tab on the customer card to be = 1.  This means that when all the stock is available and allocated to the entire sales order, only one shipment is created and that shipment will have 1 invoice. This reduces the number of shipments that you have to send out, reducing your cost.  While at the same time giving the customer just one invoice per order.  The downside of this approach is that the customer only gets the goods in one shipment, they don't get little bits of the backorders as the stock becomes available.
Note:  You can set the number of shipments to a number other than 1 eg 2 so that the first batch of backorders goes out to the customer as fast as possible as the remainder of the backorders wait until the stock is fully available for that sales order.
There is a second method, whereby the shipments for the backorders can go out more frequently as stock becomes allocated.  The customer will get a delivery docket with each shipment and then you create the one invoice when the whole order is fully supplied.  This approach involves a bit more work on your behalf and can have higher costs because there are more shipments.  
Readysell recommends you try the first approach above and get back to us if you want to try the second option.

Try not to flip the Invoice mode from one mode to another during a month.

Setting a customer up for batch invoicing

  1. Log onto Readysell> Relationships>Cards.
  2. Search for and select the customer you want to set up.
  3. Click the Settings tab, then click Customer Settings.
  4. In the Customer Tender field, select the appropriate tender e.g. 8 ACCOUNT

  5. In the Invoice Mode field, select Batch Invoicing.

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  6. Delivery Docket Method = Print Immediately
  7. Invoice Method = Depends if you have a valid contact with an email address that is flagged as Account Payable. If this is the case, then select Email Batch Automatic.
    1. Set the Invoice field on the Customer Reports sub-tab to be the tax invoice layout based by Sale Shipment [example: Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Portrait or Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Landscape]
      This is for the purpose of reprinting to screen the invoice and emailing or printing it off for the customer.
  8. Click Save.

Setting a customer up for batch invoicing for Head Office and Children (head office gets the combined invoice, and the children only get a delivery docket)

  1. Log onto Readysell> Relationships> Cards.
  2. Search for and select the customer you want to set up or create a new cardid for Head Office and then create the corresponding children accounts if they do not exist.
    For the Head office Card and each child's card, ensure there is a 'charge to' cardid set as the head office cardid
    On each of the children cardids, the parent field needs to be the head office cardid (on the general tab)
  3. For each child cardid, click on the Settings Tab>General Settings>Send docs to parent checkbox need to be ticked
  4. Click the Settings tab, then click Customer Settings for both Head office and Children cards
  5. In the Customer Tender field, select the appropriate tender e.g. 8 ACCOUNT (must be a type of Account)

  6. In the Invoice Mode field, select Batch Invoicing.

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  7. Set the Delivery Docket Method to be 'Print Immediately' 
  8. Set the Invoice Method is to be 'Manual' for the Child customer accounts only. For the Head Office, the invoice method needs to be depending on if you have a valid contact with an email address that is flagged as Account Payable. If this is the case, then select Email Batch Automatic.
  9. Set the Invoice field on the Customer Reports sub-tab to be the tax invoice layout based by Sale Shipment [example: Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Portrait or Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Landscape]  This is for the purpose of reprinting to screen the invoice and emailing or printing it off for the customer.
  10. Click Save.

Link to the document for more scenarios around setting up Batch/Invoice per order/Manual Invoicing.

Customer setup re Invoice Modes for Batch Invoicing/Invoice Per Order/Manual Invoices

Running a batch

  1. Create a sales order for a customer.
    1. Create as many shipments as are required for the order.
    2. Repeat the steps above as required.

      Observe that the Sale Order status is changed Pending when it is completed to indicate that invoicing is still outstanding

  2. In the navigation panel, go to Sales then Invoice Runs.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a description for the invoice run.
  5. Click Extract Shipments.
  6. Select the appropriate run set.

    The difference between 'Group by Charge to' and 'Break up by Charged from' is as follows in summary:
    Group by Charge to means that you will get 1 invoice showing the Head office and the child shipments on the one invoice.
    Break up by Charged from, means you will get 1 invoice per cardid.
    Readysell suggests that when you create the run set, you name it accordingly. If it is for Charge to, then name the run set that.
    You can also have sales shipment filters to your sale invoice run set. If you leave the filter empty on the run set, it will use the settings on all the cards along with what check boxes you have selected within that sales invoice run set.


    You will only have to create a run set once via Administration > Run Sets > Sale Invoice Run Sets

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  7. Enter Cut Off Date e.g. the cut-off/last date (inclusive) to extract sale shipments.
  8. Click on OK to extract all sale shipments since the last Sale Invoice Run up to and including the Cut Off Date  

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  9. Review the extracted shipments then click Generate Invoices.

  10. Click Yes to generate invoices

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    Observe that the Sale Invoice Run status is changed to Posted

  11. Click Generate Email Batch. A list of customers and email addresses will be generated.
  12. Click Run Batch Now.

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  13. Once you have run the batch, click Save and Close.

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