Service Orders

Service Orders


Service orders are used to schedule normal service calls, assign work, track the status of each work item, and bill the customer once work is complete.

Each service order records details of a single job.  A service order can have a number of associated activities (such as travel time, work time, testing of results, and so on).

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Benefits of service orders

  1. Quickly record the important facts about every request for service.
  2. Efficiently handle both regularly scheduled and on-demand service requests.
  3. Get the right technician dispatched or assigned to a service order.
  4. Know the current status of each service order and know which ones need special attention.
  5. Quickly record the parts and services used on a service order.
  6. Ensure that service orders are billed accurately and promptly.
  7. Track the service history of each customer and piece of equipment.
  8. Make sure that fees such as travel or time charges are charged when appropriate.
  9. Instantly answer your customers' questions about the status and details of the work being done for them.
  10. Evaluate the work being done by each of your technicians and service locations.
  11. Show historical transactions for the current machine such as

    • Sale Orders
    • Service Orders
    • Sale Shipment Lines
    • Bank Deposits  
    • Purchase Orders

Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.


If the user selects purchase back orders, then generate purchase orders for back ordered quantities.
If the user selects 'Purchase All', then add all lines on the service order to the purchase order as purchase order lines. Use the quantity ordered as the quantity purchased.

Once the purchase button is clicked and you realize you need to add more parts, you can add the extra lines to the service order, then click the 'Purchase' button again. As long as they are all open, the existing purchase orders are deleted. Then purchase orders are extracted again for the service order. The button will be greyed out if there is at least one existing purchase order for the service order where the purchase order status is not open.


 Changes the Service order into a shipment ready to be invoiced

Generate Return Generates a Service order return
Create CustomerQuickly creates a new customer
SendSend this service order to the customer either by printing or emailing (background or prompt)
Standard NoteStandard Note fault description (there should be a standard list to choose from that you can add to if required)
Quote ViewShow a quotation version of this service order
Select Address Select the address from the customer's card where an alternate address may be available to use
Cancel OrderCancel the remainder of this service order
HoldAllows users to place service orders on hold manually, blocking it from being processed.

Add a payment to this service order, can only have one sale shipment, you will not be able to set the workflow status of a service order to 'Ready' if it is partly paid.

Service History 

Show historical transactions for the current machine such as

  • Sale Orders
  • Service Orders
  • Sale Shipment Lines
  • Bank Deposits  
  • Purchase Orders


TypeThis is the transaction type for this service order
NumberThe number for the transaction of this service order
StatusThe transactions current status which can have optional colour coding of the status property on all transactions
DateThe date and time the service order was created.
CustomerThis is the customer for this service order
Customer OrderThis field shows the Customer Order for this service order
Workflow StatusThe workflow progress status for this service order
Service Order PriorityThe service order priority
Order Type

Note: Order type defaults to the most probable type when opening a new service order. The default can be changed in System types > RECORD-DEFAULTS.

Select the order type of the service order. There are essentially two ways of managing service orders:

(1)  Using workflow status. This results in a step by step control of the workflow. Where each step can only be followed by a specified list of following steps. Workflow status is harder to

setup than order types. It requires a more disciplined approach. As the next workflow status for a service order is determined by it's current status. A job in the workshop for example may not be able

to be invoiced directly. You may have to change the status to being checked then delivered before you are allowed to invoice it. Workflow status requires quite a bit of thinking, planning and implementation

effort. But results in a more disciplined and controlled workflow when it is implemented.

(2) Using order type. Orders can be assigned a type. While you can have as many types as you like. Types can't be linked to steps in a workflow. If you want to change the

order type on an order. You manually select the new order type. Order types are simpler to setup and run than workflow status. But are more limited as they don't force you to

proceed with the service order workflow in a particular manner.

ProductThis is the product for this service order

Applicable to Service Order Warranty (SRVWAR).

Specify the manufacturer of the product who the service cost will be charged to.

MachineThis is the machine for this service order, you can create a new machine from here by clicking on "new". Another screen will opened with pre-populated fields.
Serial NumberThis is the serial number for the machine
Assigned ToThis is the user for this service order
Charge to

The card to which the invoice is charged to.

For a Service Order Warranty this is set to the value specified in the Manufacturer field. 

Work LocationLocation to carry out the service e.g. OnSite 
Warranty ReferenceApplicable to Service Order Warranty (SRVWAR) e.g. warranty reference number 
Percent Allocated

Percentage allocated of resources, products and parts required for the service order.

 e.g. 100% means no waiting on B/O products or parts. Less than 100% means waiting on B/O.  

Value Inc TaxThe value inc tax ordered for the service order
Tax ValueThis shows the tax applied to the service order. This value is automatically calculated
Fault DescriptionThe fault description for the service order
Repaired DescriptionThe repaired description for the service order
CommentAny useful notes

Lines Tab



Set ValueAllows users to to apply discount percentage to line items. Popup appears allowing the user to enter a discount percentage. Only the selected line items are discounted in this case.

ProductProduct ID
QtyThis field shows the unit quantity ordered for this line
Unit Quantity on HandThe quantity of this item that is available on hand.
Supplied QtyThis field shows the unit quantity supplied for this line
Actual QtyThis field shows the unit quantity actual for this line
Allocated QtyThis field shows the unit quantity allocated for this line.
B/O QtyThis field shows the unit quantity back ordered for this line
UnitThe product unit for this product line
Action By
DateThe date and time of the line
Price IncThis field shows the unit price including tax for this line
DiscThe discount applied to the item, expressed as a percentage
Tax ValueThis shows the tax applied to the product. the value is automatically calculated
Value IncThe value inc tax ordered for this line
Value Inc Tax ActualThis is the value inc tax actual for this line
Value Inc Tax SuppliedThis is the value inc tax supplied for this line

Line Details tab

StatusPlease enter this line status
Supply Type

AllocateBack OrderShip
Use Case / Notes
AllocateAny stock that is availableRemaining quantity(tick)Default. Used in the majority of cases.
IgnoreNoFull quantity ordered(tick)

Behaves like stock allocation was turned off. This has several implications. No stock allocation.
If you create a shipment, for eg by clicking on the ship button or by auto warehousing, the whole on-order quantity will be extracted to the sale shipment.   Whether or not there is sufficient stock to supply the goods.  

Sale shipments include everything on order when stock allocation is turned off. This could be used in the case where the customer has their supply type set to Ignore and their order is always drop shipped from the supplier (purchase order raised from sales order).

You can set a supply type on all lines of the sales order to Ignore and hit the ship and use the Show In Report to get a Pro Forma Invoice that you can send the customer before you do invoice them.

PriorityAny stock, even if it's been allocated elsewhereRemaining quantity(tick)Urgent orders.
In StockOnly allocate if full quantity remaining on order is availableNo(tick)

The behavior of in stock is only allocate stock if the full quantity remaining on order is available. If full quantity is not available fully back order the item. Allowing users to purchase the whole amount.

One shipment per line

Back OrderNoFull quantity ordered(error)Manually control the order processing however still want to increase the stock quantity on hand via purchase run.

Location for returned stock or over supply of stock quantity for reviewing and processing at a later time.

WaitingNoNo(error)Set by the system if the order has a future "Ship After" date or is waiting on stock from drop shipments or allocated purchases.
Price CodeThe price code on this line
Value Ex TaxThis is the Value Ex tax ordered for this line
Unit Cost Ex TaxThis field shows the unit cost excluding tax for this line
Unit TaxThis field shows the unit tax for this line
MarginThis is the margin for this line
Gross Profit %The gross profit for this line, expressed as a percentage
Act Yield Days
Act Yield Meter Cnt
WarrantyThis is the warranty for this line
Warranty ExpiryThe warranty expiry date for this line

Line Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Service Order to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will then print on the shipment and invoice.

Internal Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Service Order to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will only print on the shipment and NOT for customer .

Product Summary

Unit QOH

Serial Numbers


General Tab

Price Level

Manually overrides the price level on the service order

(Example: The user enters a sales order. The customer is set to the level 1 price level. The user negotiates a special deal with the customer. They change the price level on the sale order to government price level. All the sell prices that are not manual sell prices on the sale order lines recalculate to government price level)

CarrierThe courier carrier
W/F Change Due
Date In
Date Due
Date Out
Return Types
Warranty Reference
Warranty Claim For
ModelModel of the machine
Next Call Due Date
Value Ex TaxThe value of the transaction (excluding tax)
Tax ValueThe total value of tax applied to the product movement.
Value Inc TaxThe value of the transaction (including tax)
Cost Ex TaxThe product cost before tax.
Gross Profit %The gross profit made on the product, expressed as a percentage.
Total Labour Supplied
Total Labour Actual
SiteThe site where the service will be.
PeriodThe period in which the service order occurred in.
Created ByThe Readysell user who created this card.
Document Group
Sale Invoice
SupplierThis is the supplier for this serial number
Supplier Credit
Line Status
Cost Level
Date of last receipt
On Hold
Call Back
Incomplete Call


Contact Person
Contact NameThe customers contact name
NameThe contact name
Street 1- 4The full address of customer
SuburbThe suburb of the address
PhoneThe phone number of the contact
FaxThe fax number for the contact
Email AddressThe emailed address for the contact
ABNThe ABN for the customer

Status Log

Created DateDate and Time the service order Note was created
Service Order StatusThis is the text for the service order note
TextThis is the text for the service order note
Created ByThe Readysell user who created this card.


Transaction NumberThe transaction number of the shipment
CustomerThis is the customer for the shipment
Value Inc Tax ShippedThis is the value inc tax shipped for the sale shipment


Transaction NumberThe number for the transaction of the linked case
CardThe card for the case
NameThis field shows the name for the case
StatusThe status of the case (e.g: open)
Transaction Created via
Assigned ToThis is the user for this service order


Transaction TypeThe transaction type of the transaction.
Transaction NumberThe transaction number of the call.
StatusThe status of the call
DateThe date and time of the created call.
Workflow StatusThe workflow status of the call
Assigned ToThis is the user assigned to the call
NewThis creates a new service order call
FinaliseThis finalises the service order call
DeleteThis deletes the selected service order call if Service Order status = open and Service Order Call status is open
Show TransactionThis opens up the service order call screen
Created AtThe date at which the activity was recorded on the computer. Read only, filled in automatically by the system.
DateThe date the activity took place.
Start TimeThe time at which the activity started.
End TimeThe time at which the activity was completed
TypeThe type of activity required (e.g: Labour or Travel)
Workflow StatusThe workflow status of the activity. For example "PartsOrdered" if parts had to be ordered before work can continue.
Change Workflow StatusThe overall workflow status of the service order can be changed from an activity. For example if the job is Ready to invoice. The
workflow status on the activity can be changed to "Ready" and the "Change Workflow Status" check box can be ticked. This would result in the whole service 
order having it's status changed to Ready to invoice.
UserThe user that performed the work.
Travel Kms

The distance travelled in KM or any travel time associated with the activity.

Activity Parts
Product Unit
Unit Quantity Used
Repaired Description



A description of the work performed

Meter Counts
Old Count
New Count
File NameName of the file that has been attached in the email
Created AtThe date and time when the email was created
SizeFile size
Created ByUser who created the message

Message Logs





TextThis is the text for the note
Transaction NumberThe transaction number for the associated transaction
Transaction TypeThe type of the associated transaction
Transaction DateThe date when the transaction occurred
CardThis is the card for this note
ExternalIf this is checked, the note is visible to people external to your organisation. If this is blank, only internal users can see the note.
Display on SaleIf this is checked, the note can be displayed on a sale invoice
Display on ServiceIf this is checked, the note can be displayed on a service invoice
Display on Purchase
Supplier Note Display on Purchase
Sale NoteIf this is checked, the note can be for a sale
Service NoteIf this is checked, the note can be for a service order
Purchase NoteIf this is checked, the note can be for a purchase order

PM Message



Preventative Maintenance RequiredThis flag indicates whether or nor a PM is required
Message AreaContains PM message

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