Service Optimisation

Service Optimisation


The Service Optimisation is aimed at helping Readysell service module users get the most out of their Readysell system. The focus is on features that may be of significant benefit, but which are either new or existing features that are currently underutilized. The exact mix of features included in the service optimisation program may change over time. As new features are added and more sites start using features that were previously underutilised.

The list of links below includes those areas of our service module that are currently included in our service optimisation program. Readysell wants to help you get started using any or all of the features.

Note, some of the links below are existing features and a few may be added to this list just before they are released.


Note, examples of all of the features below have been added to the Readysell Demo server. You can download the demo client and work with the examples yourself. To download the demo client, click on the following link: Try Readysell Demo

Orders and Quotes

There a quite a few small but important features around orders and quotes that we would like more service sites to be using.

Service quotes now copy the full range of detail lines to service orders

There are four non-stock costing methods in Readysell. Those methods were not available in some parts of sales and service orders. Now they are available.

Service Orders/Quotes now support non-stock manual costing methods
Sales Orders/Quotes now support non-stock manual costing methods

There is now a convenient way to copy details from an existing service or sale order to a new sale or service order.

You can now copy a Sales Quote to a Service Quote
You can now copy Service Quote to a Sales Quote

It is now easy to link sale and service orders together. So you can see which sales and service orders are related to each other.

Sales orders and service orders can now be linked to each other

If you are running your own ticketing system. You could add service orders, but you could not change them. Now you can send some updates from your third party ticketing system to your Readysell service orders.

There is now an API that allows you to modify service orders


The toner tracking and toner pools have been part of Readysell for several years. But we only setup one site using those features. We have improved our documentation and understanding of how to implement these features. We would like to help more sites use those features.

Apart from toner tracking/toner pools. There are some changes related to machines that might benefit your site.

MachineIdNumeric is a read-only field on machines that allows you to sort machines in numerical order
Contracts can be added to a machine and the machine can be added to a contract

Machine Average meter monthly countMachines

Toner tracking is about automating reserve stock and toner resupply for single machines. Toner pools extend toner tracking to keep a single pool of reserve stock at the customer's site for a group of machines. We what to help more sites use this feature.

Toner Tracking

Toner Pools


Staff Schedule

We received feedback on staff schedule from one trial site. Based on that feedback we have added many features and enhancements. We are now ready to help more sites use staff scheduler. We are not sure as yet if the features we have added cover all the basic requirements. We believe most of the requirements are covered. But we need sites to start using the module to help your business and to also help us validate that we have now included all the basic requirements.

Set up/Creating/tracking a staff schedule for a service call for a technician
Navigating from Service Orders to the Schedule and back to the service order

Create a new staff schedule for service order call, once the first service order call is finalised if a further service call is created for that service order for a technician.
When changing or moving the tech, date and/or time on the staff schedule for service order call, update the service call

Showing only working times on the Staff Schedule

Staff Schedule report reflects the working hours of your business

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