Meter Charge Runs

Meter Charge Runs


The meter count run captures the meter counts from Machines, but does not create invoices.  In order to invoice those counts to the customer, you need a meter charge run.

The charge run is separate to allow you to:

  • invoice fixed charges for meters in advance
  • invoice variances at the beginning or the end of a period of time
  • have different charge months for fixed charges and count variances
  • allow customer to save up under minimum charges on a meter to use in later periods when meter usage is greater than the minimum

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

There is a system reference to display the quantity shipped and price on a shipment.
If you wish to see the shipment line print with a quantity shipped = 1 unit and price = total value set the system reference to False
If you wish to see the shipment line print with the total number of copy clicks and the price be the each price of the copy click set the system reference to True

System reference can be found in = Administration>system types>sales>IMPROVED-METER-CHARGE-RUN-SHIPMENT-LINE-QUANTITY

Comment Line Product
In respect to the Comment Line and/or Meter Charge Comment Line on a Meter charge invoice the set up process is as follows:
Create a product to Stand for either one. There is already a standard product called 'Comment' with a product type = Comment
Ensure that this product is in the right non stock product category.
If you want the $0.00 to print on the meter charge shipment and Invoice, assign the product type = Comment, if you do not want to print a $0.00 on a comment line assign the product type = Meter charge Comment
If you have your own customized meter charge invoices, you will need to amend the layout to not print the $0.00 on the comment line.
There is a system reference code, Type = Sales, Code = 'Meter-charge-run-comment-line-template' in Administration>Advanced>System Types. This is used to format the meter charge run sale shipment/invoice comment line notes that print. The value in this code can be changed and saved.

EG Value = 

Meter Billing for:
Machine No: {machine}, Serial No: {serial-number}
Reference: {machine-customer-reference}


Only Machines with a Status = Active or Replacement will be part of a meter count run.
Only Machines with a Status = Active or Hire will be part of a meter charge run as long as the contract date on the machine has not expired

Getting Started



Calculate UsageCalculate the which charge to use between minimum and variance charges
Prepare ShipmentsPrepare sale shipment lines for the charges on this meter charge run
FinaliseGenerate sale shipments with a status of OPEN
 CompletePost shipments and then create and finalise Invoices 
Generate Email BatchGenerate invoice email batch
Run Batch NowSend emails to recipient  


TypeTransaction type Meter Charge Run (METCHG)
NumberSystem allocated transaction number
DateThe date a meter charge run was created
StatusTransaction status
TenderTender type defaults 

Lines Tab

TypeThe charge run type e.g. Variance, Counted
DateThe Date the meter count was taken
Invoice DateThe date the run was invoiced
MeterThe Meter name
PeriodThe charge run period in YYYYMM format e.g. 201407 
ValueThe charge Value
NoteA Note stored on the machine

General Tab

Partial Meter Charge Run
DescriptionPopulated from meter count run

Prepared Shipment Lines

SiteThe site code.  You can have multiple stores sites. See Sites reference
MeterThe Meter name on the machine
MachineMachine ID
Charge toMachine charge to
AddressMachine Address
ProductThe charge run Product ID for that meter e.g. CopyChargeTotal (Copy Charge Total Meter)
Tax CodeThe tax code applied to the shipment line e.g. GST, see Tax Codes
Product UnitThe sell unit of the product on the shipment line.  See Product Unit Reference e.g. EACH(1)
LocationThe location from which the product was picked. See Locations reference
Unit Price Ex TaxThe unit price at this level, excluding tax.
Unit Price Inc Tax

The unit price at this level, including tax.

Unit Quantity ShippedThe unit quantity of this unit that was shipped in this shipment. e.g. EACH(1)
Each Quantity ShippedThe individual quantity shipped
Tax Value ShippedThe tax value of the sale shipment line.
Value Inc Tax ShippedThe total value of the goods shipped on the sales shipment line including tax.

Sale Shipments

Transaction NumberThe sale shipment transaction number 
DateDate of the meter charge run to be on the shipment
CustomerThe customer ID and name of the shipment
Charge toCharge to from the customers card
Value Inc Tax ShippedThe overall total value of the goods shipped, including tax.
Sales Invoice Meter charge Invoice number
Sales Invoice StatusStatus on the meter charge invoice