Sale Shipments

Sale Shipments


Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.


Generate a credit based on this sale shipment.  Usually, a credit applies if stock is physically been brought back.

If you are using the Credit action button from within a shipment and the sales order does not have a status of POSTED then you can decide as to whether the products you are crediting you require them to go back to allocated on the linked sales order.
refer to the link on the system reference under 'Sale-Credit-Prompt-Qty-Reallocate':

Sales System Type

Re-openChange the shipment to "Open" from "In progress"


Pick this shipment
This marks the shipment as in progress and prints off a picking slip

Note. Most sites use stock allocation. If your site does not use stock allocation, you should never press the pick button. Should you press the pick button on a sale shipment where stock allocation is turned off for your site or where the supply type on the sale shipment like is "ignore", then the location on the sale shipment line will be set to blank if the product's stock on hand for the sale shipment site is zero.

InvoiceCreate an invoice for this shipment.
This button comes up if the shipment has previously been finalised (which means the stock has been sent out but the invoice has not been generated, therefore nothing on customer open items yet) and now needs to be Invoiced.
CompleteComplete (ship and invoice) this order in full.  It means that the stock on hand is affected and the dollar value goes to the customer open items.
Create CustomerQuickly create a new customer or prospect (Is Prospect option- The only required properties is Card Id (which is automatically filled in) Name and either (phone number or email address)) and attach it to this shipment
Select AddressSelect from the list of available addresses on the relevant customer card(e.g: when creating a new sales shipment after selecting a customer you can click on this button and select an address to automatically fill in the fields in the Address section.
Extract ProductsExtract products onto a shipment for a particular customer from sold products history, order movements, favourites, all products
The button is not available if no customer is selected.
ConsignmentSet the consignment details on this sale shipment

Customer History

Pop-up windows to show customer various history e.g., sales

 Click here to expand...

Set Sale ValueAdjust the values on this sale shipment based on a desired gross profit percentage, set total value and match competitor pricing


TypeThis is the transaction type for this sales order
NumberThe unique number for the transaction of this sale shipment (this is system generated)
StatusThe transactions current status which is system generated (Can be open, in progress, posting or posted) which can have optional colour coding of the status property on all transactions
DateThe date and time of creation of sales shipment
CustomerThis is the customer for this sales shipment
Customer OrderThis field shows the customer order reference for this sales shipment.  Sometimes compulsory depending on how the customer is set up.  Usually the customer's purchase order number to you or the customer's name.
ValueThis is to total value inclusive of GST for this sales shipment.  This value is automatically calculated.
Tax ValueThis shows the total tax applied to this sales shipment.  This value is automatically calculated.
Document GroupCards can have a certain document number range per group.  I.e. Government customers might get invoices that are in the 1000000-2000000 document number range, normal customers get invoices in the 3000000-4000000 document number range, school customers get invoices in the 5000000-6000000 document number range)
Sale OrderThis is the sale order number that this sale shipment relates back to (if there is one)
Service OrderThis is the service order number this sale shipment relates back to (if there is one)
Sale InvoiceThis is the sale invoice number this sale shipment was posted to
PickerThis is the person picking the sale shipment
PackerThis is the person packing the sale shipment
ValueThis show the total value including tax applied to the sale shipment
MachineFilters machines on sale shipments to show only those for the customer selected

Lines Tab


NewCreates a new sales order line

Warranty Claim


Accept Variance

Set Value

Adjust the values on this sale order or quotation based on a desired gross profit percentage, total value or competitor price match.

Unit Price (Ex Tax)
Unit Price (Inc Tax)
Unit Quantity
Product Unit
Discount %   - Note - you cannot put a manual discount on a product line that is set by a contract (check the Contract column on this line)
Value (Ex Tax)
Value (Inc Tax)
Markup %   - Note this shares the same screen pop up as GP % - use the correct relevant field on this pop up box
GP %   - Note this shares the same screen pop up as Markup % - use the correct relevant field on this pop up box
Manual Cost


Product Name
Qty Shipped
Manual Qty Scanned
Product Unit
Price Ex Tax
Price Inc Tax
Discount Percent
Tax Code
Value Inc Tax Shipped
Reason for CreditEnter details for creating a credit on sale shipment

Line details tab

These fields relate back to the shipment product line you are currently on 

Each Cost Ex TaxThe cost ex tax for the product
Unit Cost Ex TaxThe cost ex tax for each sell unit of the product
Unit Price Ex TaxThe price ex tax for each sell unit of the product
Tax CodeThe tax code on this product
Unit Qty PickedThe unit quantity picked for this product for this shipment
Unit QOH

The quantity on hand based on the unit

WarrantyWhat the warranty period is on the product (if applicable)
Warranty ExpiryWhen the warranty expires on the product (is applicable)

Line Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the shipment to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will then print on the shipment and invoice.

Internal Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Shipment to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will only print on the shipment and NOT for customer .

Serial Numbers tab

Serial NumbersAny relevant serial numbers to the product you have selected from the product lines on this shipment.  You can add a new serial number to this product during a sale shipment before you invoice it.


Account SiteThe site code for this shipment
Debit ValueThis is the debit value of the dissection
Credit ValueThis field shows the credit value for this dissection
NarrativeThe narrative for the dissection
DescriptionThis field contains a description of the dissection


LocationThe location of the stock item (where it is located in your site/store) at the time of the stock movement
QuantityThe quantity on this movement record
Original Each Cost Ex TaxThe original each cost price ex tax
Each Cost Ex TaxThe each cost price ex tax on that movement record
Value Ex TaxThe value of the product ex tax on that movement record


Machine IDThe Machine ID if this product is a machine (if relevant)
NameThe Machine Name if this product is a machine (if relevant)
Charge ToWho the Charge To is for this Machine (if relevant)
Active ContractAny active Machine Contracts for this machine (if relevant)
TerritoryThe territory on this machine (if relevant)
For HireIf the machine is on hire (if relevant)
Service Order TemplateIf the machine is on a Service Order Template, what the template name is (if relevant)
Machine TemplateIf the machine is on a Machine Template, what the template name is (if relevant)
Meter Charge OverdueIf the machine Meter Charge is overdue, by what date is it overdue by (if relevant)

General tab

SiteThe site at which the sales shipment was created
PeriodThe financial period the sales shipment falls under
Created ByWhich user created this sale shipment
Purch ReceiptWhich purchase receipt number did the stock come in on for this sales shipment (if relevant)
Ref NumberThe reference number for this sales shipment.  If the order originally came in by a web order, the web order number automatically populates into this field and is viewable in the sales shipment in this field.
PickerWhich user picked the shipment/picking slip
PackerWhich user packed the shipment/picking slip
Value PIckedWhat the value of the stock that was picked
Tax PickedThe tax value of the stock that was picked
CarrierWho the courier is for this customer
Delivery RunWhat delivery run does this customer fall under (if relevant)
DeliveryWhat the delivery method is for this sales shipment
DateThe date of the sales shipment delivery
ItemsThe number of items that went out on the delivery run
NoteAny special delivery note on this delivery
Payment TermWhat the payment terms are for the customer
Price Level

Manually overrides the price level on the sale shipments

(Example: The user enters a sales order. The customer is set to the level 1 price level. The user negotiates a special deal with the customer. They change the price level on the sale order to government price level. All the sell prices that are not manual sell prices on the sale order lines recalculate to government price level)

HourThis shows the postedat property of transactions as an hour of the day in 24 hour clock format. Its used if the user wants to make an analysis report based on day of week and hour of day to determine staffing requirements.


Contact NameThe Delivery contact name for this sale
NameThe Delivery name of the business or customer name (depending on how the card is set up or what you key in manually into this field)
Street 1- 4The actual Delivery address of where the goods are to be shipped to
SuburbThe suburb for the Delivery address
PhoneThe phone number associated to the contact or manually keyed in by the user for this sale
FaxThe fax number associated to the contact or manually keyed in by the user for this sale
Customer Email AddressThe email address associated to the contact or manually keyed in by the user for this sale

After a shipment is completed we have an option where you can edit addresses (e.g: Customer enters Incorrect delivery addresses (they have many offices spread over many floors in many buildings in the city). There is a system reference for this in SALES> SHIPMENT-DELIVERY-ADDRESS-EDIT-DAYS: Set the days after posting that the delivery address of the sale shipment can be edited.

Warranty Claims

Transaction NumberThe transaction number for the warranty claim against this sale
CustomerWhich customer code has claimed
ManufacturerWho the manufacturer is that the claim was lodged with
Charge ToWho the charge to is on this claim
Customer TerritoryThe territory for the customer
Percent AllocatedPercentage allocated to this warranty job
Value Inc Tax OrderedThe value inclusive of tax ordered for this warranty
Value Inc Tax Back OrderedThe value inclusive of tax back ordered for this warranty
StatusThe status of the warranty job
Work LocationWhere the work is to be done
Order TypeWhat the order type is for this warranty
OverdueIf the warranty job is overdue
Transaction Created viaHow the warranty transaction was created

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