Sales System Type

Sales System Type


To access system types select Administration, Advanced, System types from the navigation menu. Select the system reference type you want. A list of system references display under each system type. Change the value of the system reference you want to change then click save. The next time you start Readysell, the change will be active.

The system reference codes inside each system type control many aspects of how the system functions.

The system types

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
ALLOCATE-HELD-ORDERSAllocate stock to orders that are placed on holdFalse
AUTO-CREDIT-NOTEProduct ID that should be used to automatically contra lines in creditsCN
AUTO-END-SHIFTAuto end shiftTrue
AUTO-END-SHIFT-AGE-THRESHOLDHours prior to midnight at which a shifts should automatically end.18

Cash count required

  • set to True to prevent close of shift for a workstation until a cash count is entered and posted. 
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-ACCOUNTAccount used when there is a variance during cash count80045
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-WARNING-PERCENTThreshold (in percent) which, if exceeded, triggers a warning about cash count variance.150
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-WARNING-VALUEThreshold (in dollars) which, if exceeded, triggers a warning about cash count variance.0
CONSIGNMENT-CUT-OFFTime after which consignment flows into next day12
CONSIGNMENT-EDIT-DAYSSet the days that consignment detail of the sale shipment can be edited.2
CONTRACT-PRICE-PRIORITYContract price priority. Always use the contract price on sales if a contract price applies. Even if the value of the sale line due to the contract is higher than the normal sell price. Note. This will apply to sales entered manually into Readysell, but the price rules on your website are up to the website itself and may be different. For example your website may not take any notice of this flag. We advise testing the result on your website for one customer if you change this flag.False
CUSTOMER-IS-REQUIREDCustomer is required for sale order, sale shipment and service order.0
DONT-SPLIT-LINES-IF-STOCK-ALLOCATION-OFFDon't split lines if 'Stock Allocation' is offFalse
DROP-SHIPPINGDrop Shipping Features Enabled0
DROP-SHIPPING-USE-SELL-AS-COSTUse the sell price of the product as the cost at supplier when drop shipping0
EXTRACT-PRODUCT-HISTORY-MONTHSMonths of history to search back when using the extract products screen.2
GENERATED-CONTRACT-INCLUDE-TAXInclude tax in contracts generated from orders or quotesFalse
GIFT-VOUCHER-EXPIRYNumber of months before a gift voucher expires.12
GIFT-VOUCHER-EXPIRY-EXTENSIONNumber of days added when extending gift voucher expiry date.14
HIREHire Features EnabledFalse

This is a feature flag to turn on the improved the meter charge run sale shipment line quantity.

If the value = false the shipment will print a Qtyshippped = 1 and Price = total value
If the value = True the shipment will print a Qtyshipped = number of total copy clicks
price = each price for the copy click
value = Qtyshipped x unit price
eg copy clicks = 1000 so qty shipped = 1000, price each = $0.025 value = $25.00 ex

False or True
INVOICE-NUMBER-IS-SHIPMENT-NUMBERSale Invoice number is Sale Shipment NumberFalse
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-CAPMaximum charge when cancelling a lay-by40
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-FEEFee applied when cancelling a lay-by0
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-PERCENTPercentage of paid value forfeited when cancelling a lay-by100
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-PRODUCTLay-by cancellation productLBC
LAY-BY-DEPOSITPercent deposit required for a lay-by10
LAY-BY-EXPIRY-WEEKSWeeks after which a lay-by is created when it expires.8

Gross profit percentage for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued


Gross profit percentage at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued


Mark-up percentage at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued


Mark-up percentage for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued


Margin value for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued


Margin value at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.

Refer to Optional validation message system type to set the required warning message to be issued

MAX-SALE-VALUE-WITH-NO-CUSTOMEREnter a $value in the field of Value of this system type. If the sale is less than the value in this system reference, you do not need a customer on the sales order. If the value of the sale is greater than the value in the system reference, you need to add a customer to the sales order.Enter a value if you want this to apply or leave it blank if not

Template used to format the meter charge run sale shipment/invoice comment line notes for the Machine itself. You can change this but it will be at your own risk. 
Note: the meter charge invoice already prints certain texts for a type = comment line or meter charge comment charge, this template is additional text.
The values are set by using Tokens refer to Meter Types link Meter Types

Meter Billing for:
Machine No: {machine}, Serial No: {serial-number}
Reference: {machine-customer-reference}
METER-CHARGE-RUN-LINE-NOTE-TEMPLATEThe notes to print on a tax invoice for Meter charge runs default to what is in the value field. If you dont want the minimum charge to appear as per this text, please refer to system type 'OVERRIDE-MINIMUM-METER-CHARGE-RUN-LINE-NOTE-TEMPLATE' value.
If you wish to see the price display with 4 decimal places in the notes tab the format = |PRICE: ${price:0.00##}. 
Refer to link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings

MINIMUM CHARGE: ${minimum-charge}|METER #{meter}|START READING: {old-count}|FINISH READING: {new-count}|TOTAL COPIES: {count-variance}|INITIAL CHARGE COUNT: {initial-charge-count}|INITIAL CHARGE VALUE: ${initial-charge-value}|WEIGHT: {count-weight}|PRICE: ${price}|VALUE: ${value}

OFFLINE-GENERAL-JOURNALoffline general journalFalse
ORDER-CANCELLATION-CAPMaximum charge when cancelling an order40
ORDER-CANCELLATION-FEEFee applied when cancelling an order0
ORDER-CANCELLATION-PERCENTPercentage of paid value forfeited when cancelling an order100
ORDER-CANCELLATION-PRODUCTOrder cancellation productOC
ORDER-DEPOSITPercent deposit required for a order20
ORDER-LOCK-ENABLEDEnable the sale order lock (prevents multiple people from editing at once)False
ORDER-LOCK-TIMEOUTThe number of minutes after which a lock automatically expires and is released30
OVERRIDE-MINIMUM-METER-CHARGE-RUN-LINE-NOTE-TEMPLATEIf there is a text value in this value field, then if there is a minimum charge on a meter, the text to print on the tax invoice will default to what is in this system type.MINIMUM CHARGE: ${minimum-charge}
QUOTE-EXPIRY-DAYSNumber of days after which a quote is created that it will automatically expire1
RECOMMENDED-SUBSTITUTION-ABOVE-PERCENTThe percentage above the price of the original product a recommended substitution may be10
RECOMMENDED-SUBSTITUTION-BELOW-PERCENTThe percentage below the price of the original product a recommended substitution may be

RECOMMENDED-SUBSTITUTION-CATEGORY-LEVELSThe number of levels of categories up the tree to check for recommended substitutions1
RECOMMENDED-SUBSTITUTION-MIN-QUANTITY-AVAILABLEThe minimum quantity available for a recommended substitution product1


Prompt for user to choose either Sale credit should reallocate to sale order or not

This system reference only applies when using the Credit action buttons on shipments for now, Invoices to come not the Reverse action button on Shipments and only if the Sales order status is NOT POSTED.

False: When you use the Credit action button from either a Shipment line/Header if the system reference is set to have a value of FALSE, then the system will automatically put the stock that has been credited back on the sales order line as allocated only if the Sales order status is still OPEN. 

True: When you use the Credit action button from either a Shipment line/Header if the system reference is set to have a value of True, then a window with Prompt for the user to click on either Yes or No as to whether you want to put the stock back onto the order

If you select YES, then the quantity for the product that is being credited will go back to allocated onto the original sales order if the sales order status is still OPEN.
If you select NO, then the quantity for that product that is being credited will not go back onto the sales order line as allocated if the sales order has a status of OPEN.

NOTE: This system reference only applies to the Credit action buttons on the shipment for now, (invoices are to come) for sales orders with a status NOT EQUAL TO POSTED. If you reverse the shipment or invoice, the status of the sales order will go back to OPEN for the shipment lines that were reversed.

If the sales order that the shipment is linked to has a status of POSTED then the system reference does not apply and nothing is added back onto the sales order

SHIP-AFTER-SUPPLY-TYPESpecify the sale order line supply type if ship after date is filledWaiting
SHIPMENT-DELIVERY-ADDRESS-EDIT-DAYSSet the days after posting that the delivery address of the sale shipment can be edited0
SORT-SALE-SHIPMENTS-BY-LOCATIONSort sale shipments by location.False
SHOW-ALLOCATED-ORDER-NOTICEShow a notification when completing an order or shipment if there are any other allocated orders
SHOW-BACK-ORDER-NOTICEShow a notification when completing an order or shipment showing the customer's existing back orders
SHOW-OUTSTANDING-SHIPMENT-NOTICEShow a notification when completing an order or shipment if there are any other outstanding shipments
USE-CARD-SITEUse the site set on a customer's card as the transaction site when that customer is applied to a saleFalse
WAS-PRICE-EXPIRYNumber of days for which a 'was' price remains valid after a new 'now' price is set.30

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