Printing consignment labels from the Tender screen

Printing consignment labels from the Tender screen

Readysell supports 100x150mm consignment labels.

If you wish to print consignment labels from the tender screen, you must complete the following configuration steps:

  1. In the Navigation panel, open Reports then click on Form Reports.
  2. Select All Reports in the filter at the top of the window
  3. In the reports list, click Consignment Label (under the Sales heading).

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  4. On the Settings tab, make sure that Type is set to Label

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  5. Return to the Navigation panel, and go to Administration then Workstations.
  6. Select the workstation from which you want to print labels.
  7. In the Settings tab, click on button New
  8. Fill in the following:
    • Form Report: Consignment Label
    • Type: Sale Shipment (Readysell will fill this in)
    • Print Device: Choose your printer
    • Check the Automatically Print checkbox
  9. In the Criteria section, enter the following:

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  10. When you have finished, click on button Save

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