Sale Order Ship Button

Sale Order Ship Button

  • Note: Most sites don't use the sale order "SHIP" button as automatic warehousing can be used to remove the need to press this button. In which case, you should just click the 'SAVE AND CLOSE' button.

    If you are not using automatic warehousing and/or you are not using stock allocation, then you need to use the 'Ship' button on most sales orders.

  • The 'SHIP'' Button - Once a sale order transaction has been entered you can Click on 'Ship'.
  • The 'Ship' button creates a transaction called 'Shipment' for all or part of the order.  If all the lines items are not allocated on the shipment, the remainder of the order will go to backorder.
  • This Sales shipment is only a reflection of the stock that is about to be shipped.
  • The Sales shipment creates a transaction which is linked back to the Sales Order.
  • The sales shipment also creates a transaction in the General Ledger.
  • A Sales Order can have Multiple Sales Shipments and Multiple Sales Invoices.

Example of using the 'SHIP' Button on sale orders.

Entering a Sales Order

  1. Click on Relationships
  2. Click on Sales
  3. Click on Sales Orders
  4. Click on New
  5. Enter or change the date
  6. Select a Customer Card ID
  7. Enter a Customer Order 
  8. Enter/select a Product
  9. Enter a quantity
  10. You can change the price if need be
  11. Click On 'SHIP'. At this point the a sale shipment of transaction type 'SALSHP' is generated which creates a shipment for Part or All of the Order.
  12. 'New Sale Shipment' Window appears.
  13. You can make changes to the shipment if need be and either 'SAVE'; 'SAVE AND CLOSE'; 'FINALISE'; 'COMPLETE'; 'PICK'; 'SEND TO'.