Getting Started with Auto-Warehousing

Getting Started with Auto-Warehousing

Autowarehousing is a feature that is used to generate shipment and printing picking slips for saved orders. Generally, this requires about 4 IT Support hours to complete. To configure the Auto-Warehousing and run live with the feature, there are the steps that need to be completed:

  • Talk to the Team to discuss the details regarding the rate of Shipments are generated, the printer that is going to be used and the conditions when the order should be generated.

  • Once the details have been discussed, the readysell team implement the settings and workstation settings for running the Autowarehousing. we recommended organising time at the end of the day to invoking the settings. We also recommend (if possible) keeping a few sales orders.

  • If the picking slips are not printing correctly, we turn the feature off and make adjustments.

For more info click on the link about invoking the Auto-Warehousing feature in Readysell.



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